Senior Research Oceanographer, Princeton University
Oceans and Ice Processes Group/NOAA-GFDL
Phone: (609) 987-5073
Email: First.Last@noaa.gov

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older/other publications
Alistair Adcroft
Research Activities
I am a Senior Research Oceanographer in the Program for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at Princeton University. I work at the Geophysical Fluids Dynamics Laboratory which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. My work is primarily centered around numerical models of ocean circulation both global scale and small although I have also developed an iceberg model for use in climate models and helped in development of sea-ice models. I was the ocean working group lead, tasked with developing the OM4 ocean component of GFDL’s coupled climate CM4 and earth system model ESM4.
I’m a proponent of open source science and software. We are following an open development paradigm for building GFDL’s new ocean model, MOM6, which you can find on GitHub. I also developed, with Torge Martin, Alon Stern, and Alex Huth, an iceberg model, now called KID, which can represent giant tabular icebergs drifting in the ocean.
Past work includes a study on the fate of oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. I was previously a research scientist at MIT where I was instrumental in building, the MITgcm.
Useful Links
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program
- MOM6 web page (at GFDL)
- MOM6 wiki (Getting started)
- MOM6 documentation (GH pages)
- MOM6 source code (GitHub)
- MOM6 APIs (Doxygen generated)
- My presentations and papers (Github.io)