FV3 Documentation and References
Disclaimer: We have made every effort to ensure that the information here is as accurate, complete, and as up-to-date as possible. However, due to the very rapid pace of FV3 dynamical core and FV3-powered model development these documents may not always reflect the current state of FV3 capabilities. Often, the code itself is the best description of the current capabilities and the available options, which due to limited space cannot all be described in full detail here. We strongly recommend anyone who wishes to understand FV3 in more detail to read and study the articles linked below. Contact GFDL FV3 Dycore support or GFDL SHiELD/fvGFS model support for assistance and more information.
FV3 Scientific Documentation:
- GFDL Technical Note GFDL2021001 (July 2021):
- GFDL Technical Note GFDL2022002 (July 2022), on v2 of the GFDL Microphysics
Tutorial Presentations:
- Lecture for AOS 575, Princeton University, Fall 2022
- 2020 UFS Medium-Range Weather Application Users’ Training: FV3 algorithms and configuration, physics-dynamics coupling, and applications (recording).
- ECMWF Annual Seminar 2020: Design and Prospects for Global and Unified Modeling (recording).
Key Journal Articles (many now open access):
- Lin, Chao, Sud, and Walker, 1994: Van Leer transport scheme
- Lin and Rood 1996: FV advection scheme
- Lin and Rood 1997: FV lat-lon shallow-water model
- Lin 1997: FV pressure-gradient force formulation
- Lin 2004: The latitude-longitude FV core
- Putman and Lin 2007: FV3 cubed-sphere advection
- Zhao, Held, and Lin, 2012: Divergence damping and tropical cyclones
- X. Chen, Lin, and coauthors, 2013: A nonhydrostatic finite-volume algorithm
- J.-H. Chen and Lin, 2013: Seasonal hurricane prediction with GFDL Microphysics
- Harris and Lin, 2013: FV3 global-to-regional nesting
- Harris, Lin, and Tu, 2016: FV3 stretched-grid regional refinement
- Lin, Harris, X. Chen, Yao, and Chai, 2017: Nonlinear colliding modons idealized test
- J.-H. Chen, X. Chen, Lin, Magnusson, Bender, Zhou, and Rees, 2018: Initialization from ECMWF analyses
- X. Chen, Lin, and Harris, 2018: 1D Riemann Solver and higher-order dispersion analysis
- Harris, Rees, Morin, Zhou, and Stern, 2019: Prediction of continental convection in a global-nest model
- Zhou, Lin, J.-H. Chen, Harris, X. Chen, and Rees, 2019: Convective-scale prediction with GFDL Microphysics
- Harris and coauthors, 2020: SHiELD description paper (includes In-line GFDL Microphysics and Positive-Definite advection)
- X. Chen, 2020: Shallow-water LMARS solver and Duo-Grid
- Gao, Harris, Zhou, Bender, and Morin, 2021: Effect of tracer advection schemes on tropical cyclones
- L. Zhou and coauthors, 2022: GFDL Microphysics v3
- Mouallem, Harris, and Benson, 2023: Multiple and telescoping grids in FV3
- Dahm and coauthors, 2023: The Pace port of FV3 et al. for GPU performance
- Gao, Harris, Bender, J.-H. Chen, Zhou, and Knutson: Advection, explicit convection, and TC track prediction
- Mouallem, Harris, and X. Chen, 2023: Duo-Grid in FV3
- Cheng, Lin, Harris, and Zhou, 2023: Tornado-like vortices
Previous documentation and technical notes:
- Diffusion_operators (June 2018)
- FV3 Technical Description (December 2017)
- GFDL Technical Note for Release 201912 (GFDL2020001)
- GFDL Technical Note for the FV3 Nonhydrostatic Solver (GFDL2020003)
Other relevant papers: