Earth System Processes and Interactions Division
Our goal is to develop and use GFDL’s earth system models for comprehensive understanding of the interactions between physical, chemical, and ecological drivers and feedbacks on the earth system.
Maxwell Pike
Research Physical Scientist
Anthony Preucil
Physical Scientist
Jonathan Smith
Physical Scientist
Eric Stofferahn
Physical Scientist
Princeton University
Fei Da
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
Minki Hong
AOS Professional Specialist
Minjin Lee
CIMES Associate Research Scholar
Xiaohan Li
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
George Manville
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
Kyung-Min Noh
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
Justin Perket
AOS Software Engineer
Arman Pouyaei
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
Laura Torres Rojas
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Rui Wang
CIMES Postdoctoral Research Associate
Shipeng Zhang
AOS Postdoctoral Research Associate