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GFDL News & Events

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June 18th, 2024 - GFDL’s Ocean Model set to Enhance NOAA’s Hurricane Forecasting

June marks Ocean Month, so it is fitting to acknowledge the significant impact that oceans have on climate and everyday life, and to highlight the importance of continued research and innovation in ocean modeling. At GFDL, the latest version of the lab’s Modular Ocean Model, MOM6, represents a major advancement in modeling oceanic and climatic […]

April 25th, 2024 - Understanding Earth through GFDL’s Advanced Global Models

In celebration of Earth Month, GFDL shares how the lab is investing to meet weather and climate goals through some of its advanced global models: CM4, SPEAR, ESM4, and SHiELD. These realistic models play an important role in enhancing our comprehension of the Earth system, each providing unique insights into the science underpinning our understanding […]

March 25th, 2024 - Celebrating Women’s History Month with Mingjing Tong

GFDL celebrates Women’s History Month by recognizing the contributions of Mingjing Tong, a meteorologist, whose work focuses on improving hurricane and severe weather forecasting. Dr. Tong, a member of GFDL’s Weather and Climate Dynamics Division, previously worked as a hurricane specialist  for NOAA’s National Weather Service.  She was also a postdoctoral research associate at the […]

February 6th, 2024 - Detection of AMOC changes and their potential impact on sea level and storm surges over the U.S. East Coast

Liping Zhang and Hiroyuki Murakami, scientists at GFDL, have been awarded funding for a new climate projections project that will spotlight the critical issue of extreme sea level events along the U.S. East Coast, emphasizing their societal impact. These events, often fueled by storm surges during extreme weather occurrences, substantially threaten lives and infrastructure in […]

December 6th, 2023 - Seasonal hurricane predictions at GFDL

If you live along a U.S. coast, you’re likely familiar with NOAA’s seasonal hurricane forecasts. Released each year in May (and updated in August for the Atlantic region), these forecasts provide an important preview of what each year’s Atlantic and Pacific hurricane seasons will bring. “Seasonal predictions provide valuable lead time for communities to prepare […]