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GFDL News & Events

Visitors without GFDL affiliation attending seminars or other organized events must present government or university issued photo ID or two other forms of identification to gain access to the facility. If an acceptable ID cannot be provided, the Visitor will not be allowed access. If access is granted, the Visitor must sign in and be given a Visitor Badge. The Visitor Badge expires immediately after the seminar.

March 1st, 2023 - NOAA scientists harness machine learning to advance climate models

Scientists at NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory are Tapping into Machine Learning to Better Understand the Impacts of Climate Change on our Oceans and Atmosphere When you hear the term “machine learning,” you might think of controversial chatbots or the algorithms that govern your social media feeds. But NOAA GFDL scientists are investigating how to […]

July 7th, 2022 - Sarah Kapnick named NOAA chief scientist

Former GFDL scientist Sarah Kapnick, Ph.D. was named NOAA’s chief scientist today. Kapnick will serve as the senior scientist for the agency, advancing policy and program direction for NOAA’s science and technology priorities. She is the third woman in NOAA’s history to be appointed to this role. An executive with 18 years of experience at […]