This is a brief guide to a set of command-line tools related to the
Gridspec. The tools cover two sets of operations related to the
gridspec : first, a set of tools that cover all steps of creation of a
gridspec , and second, a tool for regridding from one mosaic to another
using gridspec representations of the source and target grids.
The tools include:
For each of these files, simply typing the command name will generate a
more-or-less complete documentation of command-line options. The
documentation below merely lists a few illustrative examples for each
of the tools.
Please check back for updates to this page, which will include
parallel versions of all the tools, as well as visual examples. See
the complete grid creation example for downloads and a walkthrough of
the current package.
A typical grid creation sequence for FMS-based models would involve
creating individual gridspecs for atmosphere, land and ocean (the
tools make_hgrid , make_vgrid , make_solo_mosaic ); generate a topography
and land-sea mask for the ocean grid (make_topog ); and finally,
generate exchange grids for interpolation between atmosphere, land and
ocean grids.
make_hgrid make horizontal grid tiles for various grid types. The
grid_type can be one of a controlled vocabulary of grid tyoes that
includes spectral_grid , regular_lonlat_grid , tripolar_grid ,
conformal_cubic_grid , etc. Alternatively a text file or netCDF
specifying vertices of a supergrid can be supplied. For simple
cartesian grids, locations and spacings can be directly input on the
command line.
make_hgrid --grid_type regular_lonlat_grid --nxbnd 2 --nybnd 2
--xbnd 0,30 --ybnd 50,60 --nlon 60 --nlat 2
generates a 60x20 supergrid covering the region in lon-lat space
specified in xbnd,ybnd .
make_hgrid --grid_type conformal_cubic_grid --nlon 60 --nratio 2
generates a 60x60x6 cubed-sphere grid using the conformal projection.
The nratio argument is specific to this grid type and specifies the
intended refinement of the grid. (For ths grid type, one cannot
specify the supergrid without knowing the target refinement and
resolution). 5 grid tile files will be generated.
make_vgrid is a tool that is called for each column to define a
vertical supergrid, User specifies nbnds vertical regions, in each of
which the grid has constant spacing. User specifies cell boundaries
bnds for each region, which is equally divided into nz cells. (Thus nz
has count one less than bnds . Since the specification is a supergrid,
the total cell count is twice the sum of the nz array.
make_vgrid --nbnds 3 --bnds 10,200,1000 --nz 10,20
creates 20 supergrid cells evenly spanning the range 10--200 metres,
and 40 supergrid cells spanning 200--1000 metres.
(Balaji: might be more intuitive if the user directly specified the
supergrid cell count --nx 20,40 and allowed the user to
decide which cells of the supergrid are used by the model grid, as is
done in the horizontal?)
make_solo_mosaic creates a mosaic file out of a directory containing a
set of grid tiles files.
make_solo_mosaic --num_tiles ntiles --dir directory --tile_file gridtile
will look for a set of ntiles tile gridspec netCDF files named in directory and make a mosaic file that
specifies their linkages following the mosaic specification.
make_topog generates topography for the mosaic. This can include both
idealized and realistic topographies. Various filtering options and
land-sea mask specification options are provided.
make_topog --mosaic --topog_type realistic \
--topog_file /archive/fms/mom4/input_data/
--topog_field TOPO --scale_factor -1
generates topography for the gridspec in using the variable
TOPO in the specified topog_file . The scale factor in the examples
flips the sign in the topography field to convert heights to depths.
Given mosaic specifications for mosaics representing atmosphere, ocean
and land, as well as a land-sea mask and topography specification,
make_coupler_mosaic generates all the required exchange grids needed
for conservative interpolation between them.
make_coupler_mosaic --atmos_mosaic --ocean_mosaic
--ocean_topog [--land_mosaic]
[--sea_level sea_level] [--interp_method 1] [--mosaic_name mosaic_name]
This computes a top-level mosaic between the specified atmosphere,
land and ocean grids. The file is used as a source for
topography information with the land-sea mask defined at sea_level
metre isopleth in the topography. interp_method is used to specify
first- or second-order conservative interpolation. The result is
written to .
fregrid was a tool written to be used by the FRE runtime environment
for offline regridding of model output onto a set of standard grids
used by post-processing and analysis software. A dataset is translated
from an input gridspec to an output gridspec using a variety of
interpolation methods, including bilinear and first- and second-order
conservative methods. The underlying regridding engine is shared
between online tools such as horiz_interp and offline tools such as
fregrid .
fregrid --input_mosaic --output_mosaic
--input_file input_file --field_name temp,salt
interpolates the temp and salt fields in input_file to the grid
specified by .
fregrid --input_mosaic -- nlon M --nlat N
--input_file input_file --field_name temp,salt
is an even simpler example: the output grid is a simple uniform
lon-lat grid of resolution MxN .
For downloads and a complete example, visit the grid creation page.