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Bibliography - Larry J Polinsky

  1. Orlanski, Isidoro, Bruce B Ross, Larry J Polinsky, and R Shaginaw, 1985: Advances in the theory of atmospheric fronts. Advances in Geophysics, 28B, 223-252.
  2. Orlanski, Isidoro, and Larry J Polinsky, 1984: Predictability of mesoscale phenomena In International Symposium on Nowcasting II: Mesoscale Observations and Very-Short-Range Forecasting, Noordwijk, Netherlands, ESA Scientific & Technical Publications Branch, 271-280.
  3. Orlanski, Isidoro, and Larry J Polinsky, 1983: Ocean response to mesoscale atmospheric forcing. Tellus A, 35A(4), 296-323.
    Abstract PDF
  4. Orlanski, Isidoro, and Larry J Polinsky, 1977: Spectral distribution of cloud cover over Africa. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 55(5), 483-493.
    Abstract PDF
  5. Orlanski, Isidoro, Bruce B Ross, and Larry J Polinsky, 1975: Reply. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 32(4), 842.
  6. Orlanski, Isidoro, Bruce B Ross, and Larry J Polinsky, 1974: Diurnal variation of the planetary boundary layer in a mesoscale model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 31(4), 965-989.

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