Phytoplankton stoichiometry modulates the interaction between carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles. Environmentally driven variations in phytoplankton C:N:P can alter biogeochemical cycling compared to expectations under fixed ratios. In fact, the assumption of fixed C:N:P has been linked to Earth System Model (ESM) biases and potential misrepresentation of responses to future change. Here we integrate key elements of the Adaptive Trait Optimization Model (ATOM) for phytoplankton stoichiometry with the Carbon, Ocean Biogeochemistry and Lower Trophics (COBALT) ocean biogeochemical model. Within a series of global ocean-ice-ecosystem retrospective simulations, ATOM-COBALT reproduced observations of phytoplankton N:P, and compared to static ratios, exhibited reduced phytoplankton P-limitation, enhanced N-fixation, and increased low-latitude export, improving consistency with observations and highlighting the biogeochemical implications of dynamic N:P. We applied ATOM-COBALT to explore the impacts of different physiological mechanisms hypothesized to underlie N:P variation, finding that two mechanisms together drove the observed patterns: proportionality of P-rich ribosomes in phytoplankton cells to growth rates and reductions in P-storage during scarcity. A third mechanism which linked temperature with phytoplankton biomass allocations to non-ribosomal proteins, led only to relatively modest impacts because this mechanism decreased the temperature dependence of phytoplankton growth rates, compensating for changes in N:P. We find that there are quantitative response differences that associate distinctive biogeochemical footprints with each mechanism, which are most apparent in highly productive low-latitude regions. These results suggest that variable phytoplankton N:P makes phytoplankton productivity and export resilient to environmental changes, and support further research on the physiological and environmental drivers of phytoplankton stoichiometry and biogeochemical role.
Sullivan, Megan R., François W Primeau, George I Hagstrom, Wei-Lei Wang, and Adam C Martiny, March 2024: Integrating trait-based stoichiometry in a biogeochemical inverse model reveals links between phytoplankton physiology and global carbon export. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38(3), DOI:10.1029/2023GB007986. Abstract
The elemental ratios of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus (C:N:P) within organic matter play a key role in coupling biogeochemical cycles in the global ocean. At the cellular level, these ratios are controlled by physiological responses to the environment. But linking these cellular-level processes to global biogeochemical cycles remains challenging. We present a novel model framework that combines knowledge of phytoplankton cellular functioning with global scale hydrographic data, to assess the role of variable carbon-to-phosphorus ratios (RC:P) on the distribution of export production. We implement a trait-based mechanistic model of phytoplankton growth into a global biogeochemical inverse model to predict global patterns of phytoplankton physiology and stoichiometry that are consistent with both biological growth mechanisms and hydrographic carbon and nutrient observations. We compare this model to empirical parameterizations relating RC:P to temperature or phosphate concentration. We find that the way the model represents variable stoichiometry affects the magnitude and spatial pattern of carbon export, with globally integrated fluxes varying by up to 10% (1.3 Pg C yr−1) across models. Despite these differences, all models exhibit strong consistency with observed dissolved inorganic carbon and phosphate concentrations (R2 > 0.9), underscoring the challenge of selecting the most accurate model structure. We also find that the choice of parameterization impacts the capacity of changing RC:P to buffer predicted export declines. Our novel framework offers a pathway by which additional biological information might be used to reduce the structural uncertainty in model representations of phytoplankton stoichiometry, potentially improving our capacity to project future changes.
Larkin, Alyse A., George I Hagstrom, Melissa L Brock, Nathan S Garcia, and Adam C Martiny, February 2023: Basin-scale biogeography of Prochlorococcus and SAR11 ecotype replication. The ISME Journal, 17, DOI:10.1038/s41396-022-01332-6185-194. Abstract
Establishing links between microbial diversity and environmental processes requires resolving the high degree of functional variation among closely related lineages or ecotypes. Here, we implement and validate an improved metagenomic approach that estimates the spatial biogeography and environmental regulation of ecotype-specific replication patterns (RObs) across ocean regions. A total of 719 metagenomes were analyzed from meridional Bio-GO-SHIP sections in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. Accounting for sequencing bias and anchoring replication estimates in genome structure were critical for identifying physiologically relevant biological signals. For example, ecotypes within the dominant marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus exhibited distinct diel cycles in RObs that peaked between 19:00–22:00. Additionally, both Prochlorococcus ecotypes and ecotypes within the highly abundant heterotroph Pelagibacter (SAR11) demonstrated systematic biogeographies in RObs that differed from spatial patterns in relative abundance. Finally, RObs was significantly regulated by nutrient stress and temperature, and explained by differences in the genomic potential for nutrient transport, energy production, cell wall structure, and replication. Our results suggest that our new approach to estimating replication is reflective of gross population growth. Moreover, this work reveals that the interaction between adaptation and environmental change drives systematic variability in replication patterns across ocean basins that is ecotype-specific, adding an activity-based dimension to our understanding of microbial niche space.