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Bibliography - Benjamin Bronselaer

  1. Beadling, Rebecca L., John P Krasting, Stephen M Griffies, William J Hurlin, Benjamin Bronselaer, Joellen L Russell, Graeme A MacGilchrist, Jan-Erik Tesdal, and Michael Winton, May 2022: Importance of the Antarctic Slope Current in the Southern Ocean response to ice sheet melt and wind stress change. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127(5), DOI:10.1029/2021JC017608.
  2. Bhatia, Kieran, Alexander Baker, Wenchang Yang, Gabriel A Vecchi, Thomas R Knutson, Hiroyuki Murakami, James Kossin, Kevin Hodges, Keith W Dixon, Benjamin Bronselaer, and Carolyn E Whitlock, November 2022: A potential explanation for the global increase in tropical cyclone rapid intensification. Nature Communications, 13, 6626, DOI:10.1038/s41467-022-34321-6.
  3. Bronselaer, Benjamin, Joellen L Russell, Michael Winton, N L Williams, Robert M Key, John P Dunne, Richard A Feely, K S Johnson, and Jorge L Sarmiento, January 2020: Importance of wind and meltwater for observed chemical and physical changes in the Southern Ocean. Nature Geoscience, 13(1), DOI:10.1038/s41561-019-0502-8.
  4. Dunne, John P., I Bociu, Benjamin Bronselaer, Huan Guo, Jasmin G John, John P Krasting, Charles A Stock, Michael Winton, and Niki Zadeh, October 2020: Simple Global Ocean Biogeochemistry with Light, Iron, Nutrients and Gas version 2 (BLINGv2): Model description and simulation characteristics in GFDL's CM4.0. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(10), DOI:10.1029/2019MS002008.
  5. Bronselaer, Benjamin, Michael Winton, Stephen M Griffies, William J Hurlin, Keith B Rodgers, Olga V Sergienko, Ronald J Stouffer, and Joellen L Russell, November 2018: Change in future climate due to Antarctic meltwater. Nature, 564(7734), DOI:10.1038/s41586-018-0712-z.
  6. Bronselaer, Benjamin, and Michael Winton, et al., December 2017: Agreement of CMIP5 Simulated and Observed Ocean Anthropogenic CO2 Uptake. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(24), DOI:10.1002/2017GL074435.

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