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Bibliography - Kirsten L Findell

  1. Best, Martin, Adrian P Lock, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Eric Bazile, Isabelle Beau, Joan Cuxart, Michael Ek, Kirsten L Findell, Ann M Fridlind, Albert A M Holtslag, Wenyan Huang, Maria A Jiménez, Sanjiv Kumar, David Lawrence, and Sergey Malyshev, et al., March 2025: Rolling DICE to advance knowledge of land–atmosphere interactions. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, DOI:10.1002/qj.4944.
  2. Findell, Kirsten L., and Zun Yin, et al., February 2024: Accurate assessment of land–atmosphere coupling in climate models requires high-frequency data output. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(4), DOI:10.5194/gmd-17-1869-20241869–1883.
  3. Shevliakova, Elena, Sergey Malyshev, Isabel Martínez Cano, P C D Milly, Stephen W Pacala, Paul Ginoux, Krista A Dunne, John P Dunne, Christopher Dupuis, Kirsten L Findell, Khaled Ghannam, Larry W Horowitz, Thomas R Knutson, John P Krasting, Vaishali Naik, Peter Phillipps, Niki Zadeh, Yan Yu, Fanrong Zeng, and Y Zeng, May 2024: The land component LM4.1 of the GFDL Earth System Model ESM4.1: Model description and characteristics of land surface climate and carbon cycling in the historical simulation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16(5), DOI:10.1029/2023MS003922.
  4. Sillmann, Jana, Timothy H Raupach, and Kirsten L Findell, et al., December 2024: Climate extremes and risks: links between climate science and decision-making. Frontiers in Climate, 6, DOI:10.3389/fclim.2024.1499765.
  5. Duan, Suqin Q., Kirsten L Findell, and Stephan Fueglistaler, April 2023: Coherent mechanistic patterns of tropical land hydroclimate changes. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(7), DOI:10.1029/2022GL102285.
  6. Findell, Kirsten L., et al., January 2023: Explaining and predicting earth system change: A World Climate Research Programme call to action. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104(1), DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0280.1E325-E339.
  7. Stephens, Graeme L., Jan Polcher, Xubin Zeng, Peter van Oevelen, Germán Poveda, Michael Bosilovich, Myoung-Hwan Ahn, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Qingyun Duan, Gabriele Hegerl, Christian Jakob, Benjamin Lamptey, L Ruby Leung, Maria Piles, Zhongbo Su, Paul A Dirmeyer, Kirsten L Findell, Anne Verhoef, Michael Ek, Tristan L'Ecuyer, Rémy Roca, Ali Nazemi, Francina Dominguez, Daniel Klocke, and Sandrine Bony, January 2023: The first 30 years of GEWEX. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104(1), DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0061.1E126–E157.
  8. Yin, Zun, Kirsten L Findell, Paul A Dirmeyer, Elena Shevliakova, Sergey Malyshev, Khaled Ghannam, Nina Raoult, and Zhihong Tan, February 2023: Daytime-only mean data enhance understanding of land–atmosphere coupling. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27(4), DOI:10.5194/hess-27-861-2023861-872.
  9. Zhou, Sha, Bofu Yu, Benjamin R Lintner, Kirsten L Findell, and Yao Zhang, May 2023: Projected increase in global runoff dominated by land surface changes. Nature Climate Change, 13, DOI:10.1038/s41558-023-01659-8442-449.
  10. Findell, Kirsten L., Rowan Sutton, and Nico Caltabiano, July 2022: Explaining and predicting Earth system change: A World Climate Research Programme call to action. GEWEX Quarterly, 32(4), 5-7.
  11. Smith, Doug, Nathan P Gillett, Isla Simpson, Panos Athanasiadis, J Baehr, Ingo Bethke, Tarkan Bilge, Rémy Bonnet, Olivier Boucher, and Kirsten L Findell, et al., September 2022: Attribution of multi-annual to decadal changes in the climate system: The Large Ensemble Single Forcing Model Intercomparison Project (LESFMIP). Frontiers in Climate, 4:955414, DOI:10.3389/fclim.2022.955414.
  12. Verhoef, Anne, and Kirsten L Findell, July 2022: Report on the GEWEX 2022 GLASS Panel Meeting. GEWEX Quarterly, 32(4), 14-16.
  13. Zhou, Sha, A Park Williams, Benjamin R Lintner, Kirsten L Findell, Trevor F Keenan, Yao Zhang, and Pierre Gentine, September 2022: Diminishing seasonality of subtropical water availability in a warmer world dominated by soil moisture–atmosphere feedbacks. Nature Communications, 13, 5756, DOI:10.1038/s41467-022-33473-9.
  14. Ek, Michael, Kirsten L Findell, and Anne Verhoef, May 2021: 2020 GLASS Panel Meeting. GEWEX Quarterly, 31(2), 14-18.
  15. Jakob, Christian, Peter Bauer, Sandrine Bony, Daniel Klocke, Kirsten L Findell, Anne Verhoef, Francina Dominguez, Ali Nazemi, and Jan Polcher, July 2021: The WCRP Digital Earths Lighthouse Activity–An opportunity for the GEWEX community. GEWEX Quarterly, 31(4), 7-9.
  16. Ross, Andrew C., Charles A Stock, Dennis Adams-Smith, Keith W Dixon, Kirsten L Findell, Vincent S Saba, and Bruce Vogt, January 2021: Anthropogenic Influences on Extreme Annual Streamflow into Chesapeake Bay from the Susquehanna River. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(1), DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0129.1S25-S32.
  17. Zhang, Gan, Hiroyuki Murakami, Xiaosong Yang, Kirsten L Findell, Andrew T Wittenberg, and Liwei Jia, March 2021: Dynamical seasonal predictions of tropical cyclone activity: Roles of sea surface temperature errors and atmosphere–land initialization. Journal of Climate, 34(5), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0215.11743-1766.
  18. Duan, Suqin Q., Kirsten L Findell, and Jonathon S Wright, December 2020: Three Regimes of Temperature Distribution Change over Dry Land, Moist Land and Oceanic Surfaces. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(24), DOI:10.1029/2020GL090997.
  19. Findell, Kirsten L., P W Keys, R J van der Ent, Benjamin R Lintner, Alexis Berg, and John P Krasting, November 2019: Rising Temperatures Increase Importance of Oceanic Evaporation as a Source for Continental Precipitation. Journal of Climate, 32(22), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0145.1.
  20. Findell, Kirsten L., August 2019: NOAA/OAR Bedrock-to-Boundary Layer (B2B) Workshop. GEWEX News, 29(3), 12.
  21. Findell, Kirsten L., and Michael Ek, November 2019: GLASS Panel 2019 Annual Meeting. GEWEX Quarterly, 24(4), 15-18.
  22. Green, J K., Sonia I Seneviratne, Alexis Berg, and Kirsten L Findell, et al., January 2019: Large influence of soil moisture on long-term terrestrial carbon uptake. Nature, 565(7740), DOI:10.1038/s41586-018-0848-x.
  23. Herrara-Estrada, J E., J A Martinez, Francina Dominguez, and Kirsten L Findell, et al., May 2019: Reduced moisture transport linked to drought propagation across North America. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(10), DOI:10.1029/2019GL082475.
  24. Santanello, J A., Paul A Dirmeyer, Craig Ferguson, and Kirsten L Findell, et al., June 2018: Land-Atmosphere Interactions: The LoCo Perspective. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(6), DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0001.1.
  25. Berg, Alexis, Benjamin R Lintner, Kirsten L Findell, and A Giannini, April 2017: Soil Moisture Influence on Seasonality and Large-Scale Circulation in Simulations of the West African Monsoon. Journal of Climate, 30(7), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0877.1.
  26. Berg, Alexis, Benjamin R Lintner, Kirsten L Findell, and A Giannini, June 2017: Uncertain soil moisture feedbacks in model projections of Sahel precipitation. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(12), DOI:10.1002/2017GL073851.
  27. Findell, Kirsten L., Alexis Berg, Pierre Gentine, John P Krasting, Benjamin R Lintner, Sergey Malyshev, J A Santanello, and Elena Shevliakova, October 2017: The impact of anthropogenic land use and landcover change on regional climate extremes. Nature Communications, 8, 989, DOI:10.1038/s41467-017-01038-w.
  28. Berg, Alexis, Kirsten L Findell, Benjamin R Lintner, A Giannini, Sonia I Seneviratne, Bart van den Hurk, R Lorenz, A J Pitman, S Hagemann, A Meier, F Cheruy, A Ducharne, Sergey Malyshev, and P C D Milly, September 2016: Land–atmosphere feedbacks amplify aridity increase over land under global warming. Nature Climate Change, 6(9), DOI:10.1038/nclimate3029.
  29. Berg, Alexis, Benjamin R Lintner, Kirsten L Findell, Sonia I Seneviratne, Bart van den Hurk, A Ducharne, F Cheruy, S Hagemann, David Lawrence, and Sergey Malyshev, et al., February 2015: Interannual coupling between summertime surface temperature and precipitation over land: processes and implications for climate change. Journal of Climate, 28(3), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00324.1.
  30. Findell, Kirsten L., Pierre Gentine, Benjamin R Lintner, and B P Guillod, August 2015: Data Length Requirements for Observational Estimates of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 16(4), DOI:10.1175/JHM-D-14-0131.1.
  31. Lintner, Benjamin R., Pierre Gentine, Kirsten L Findell, and G D Salvucci, May 2015: The Budyko and complementary relationships in an idealized model of large-scale land–atmosphere coupling. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(5), DOI:10.5194/hess-19-2119-2015.
  32. Aires, F, Pierre Gentine, Kirsten L Findell, Benjamin R Lintner, and Christopher Kerr, March 2014: Neural network-based sensitivity analysis of summertime convection over the continental US. Journal of Climate, 27(5), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00161.1.
  33. Berg, Alexis, Benjamin R Lintner, Kirsten L Findell, and Sergey Malyshev, et al., November 2014: Impact of soil moisture-atmosphere interactions on surface temperature distribution. Journal of Climate, 27(21), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00591.1.
  34. Guillod, B P., B Orlowsky, D Miralles, A J Teuling, P D Blanken, N Buchmann, Philippe Ciais, Michael Ek, and Kirsten L Findell, et al., August 2014: Land surface controls on afternoon precipitation diagnosed from observational data: uncertainties, confounding factors and the possible role of vegetation interception. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(16), DOI:10.5194/acp-14-8343-2014.
  35. Milly, P C., Sergey Malyshev, Elena Shevliakova, Krista A Dunne, Kirsten L Findell, T Gleeson, Zhi Liang, Peter Phillipps, Ronald J Stouffer, and S C Swenson, October 2014: An enhanced model of land water and energy for global hydrologic and earth-system studies. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15(5), DOI:10.1175/JHM-D-13-0162.1.
  36. Rochetin, Nicolas, Benjamin R Lintner, Kirsten L Findell, Adam H Sobel, and Pierre Gentine, December 2014: Radiative–Convective Equilibrium over a Land Surface. Journal of Climate, 27(23), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00654.1.
  37. Berg, Alexis, Kirsten L Findell, Benjamin R Lintner, Pierre Gentine, and Christopher Kerr, June 2013: Precipitation sensitivity to surface heat fluxes over North America in reanalysis and model data. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14(3), DOI:10.1175/JHM-D-12-0111.1.
  38. Gentine, Pierre, A K Betts, Benjamin R Lintner, and Kirsten L Findell, et al., June 2013: A probabilistic-bulk model of mixed layer and convection: 1) Clear-sky case. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 70(6), DOI:10.1175/JAS-D-12-0145.1.
  39. Gentine, Pierre, A K Betts, Benjamin R Lintner, and Kirsten L Findell, et al., June 2013: A probabilistic-bulk model of coupled mixed layer and convection: 2) Shallow convection case. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 70(16), DOI:10.1175/JAS-D-12-0146.1.
  40. Lintner, Benjamin R., Pierre Gentine, and Kirsten L Findell, et al., April 2013: An idealized prototype for large-scale land-atmosphere coupling. Journal of Climate, 26(7), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00561.1.
  41. Seneviratne, Sonia I., Alexis Berg, Kirsten L Findell, and Sergey Malyshev, et al., October 2013: Impact of soil moisture-climate feedbacks on CMIP5 projections: First results from the GLACE-CMIP5 experiment. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(19), DOI:10.1002/grl.50956.
  42. Su, Hua, R Dickinson, Kirsten L Findell, and Benjamin R Lintner, June 2013: How are spring snow conditions in central Canada related to early warm season precipitation? Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14(3), DOI:10.1175/JHM-D-12-029.1.
  43. Gentine, Pierre, T J Troy, Benjamin R Lintner, and Kirsten L Findell, March 2012: Scaling in Surface Hydrology: Progress and Challenges. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 147(1), DOI:10.1111/j.1936-704X.2012.03105.x.
  44. Lintner, Benjamin R., M Biasutti, N S Diffenbaugh, J E Lee, M J Niznik, and Kirsten L Findell, June 2012: Amplification of wet and dry month occurrence over tropical land regions in response to global warming. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 117, D11106, DOI:10.1029/2012JD017499.
  45. Findell, Kirsten L., Pierre Gentine, Benjamin R Lintner, and Christopher Kerr, June 2011: Probability of afternoon precipitation in eastern United States and Mexico enhanced by high evaporation. Nature Geoscience, 4(7), DOI:10.1038/ngeo1174.
  46. Santanello, J A., Craig Ferguson, Michael Ek, Paul A Dirmeyer, O Tuinenburg, C Jacobs, Chiel C van Heerwaarden, and Kirsten L Findell, et al., November 2011: Local land-atmosphere coupling (LoCo) research: Status and results. GEWEX News, 21(4), 7-9.
  47. Findell, Kirsten L., and Thomas L Delworth, February 2010: Impact of common sea surface temperature anomalies on global drought and pluvial frequency. Journal of Climate, 23(3), DOI:10.1175/2009JCLI3153.1.
  48. Findell, Kirsten L., A J Pitman, Matthew H England, and P J Pegion, June 2009: Regional and global impacts of land cover change and sea surface temperature anomalies. Journal of Climate, 22(12), DOI:10.1175/2008JCLI2580.1.
  49. Schubert, S D., Thomas L Delworth, and Kirsten L Findell, et al., October 2009: A US CLIVAR project to assess and compare the responses of global climate models to drought-related SST forcing patterns: Overview and results. Journal of Climate, 22(19), DOI:10.1175/2009JCLI3060.1.
  50. Levy II, Hiram, M Daniel Schwarzkopf, Larry W Horowitz, V Ramaswamy, and Kirsten L Findell, March 2008: Strong sensitivity of late 21st Century climate to projected changes in short-lived air pollutants. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D06102, DOI:10.1029/2007JD009176.
  51. Delworth, Thomas L., and Kirsten L Findell, 2007: Decadal to centennial scale changes in summer continental hydrology In Climate Variability and Change: Past, Present, and Future, John E. Kutzbach Symposium, Gisela Kutzbach, Ed., Madison, WI, Ctr. of Climatic Research, U. Wisconsin-Madison, 49-56.
  52. Findell, Kirsten L., Elena Shevliakova, P C D Milly, and Ronald J Stouffer, July 2007: Modeled impact of anthropogenic land cover change on climate. Journal of Climate, 20(14), DOI:10.1175/JCLI4185.1.
  53. Delworth, Thomas L., Anthony J Broccoli, Anthony Rosati, Ronald J Stouffer, V Balaji, J A Beesley, William F Cooke, Keith W Dixon, John P Dunne, Krista A Dunne, Jeffrey W Durachta, Kirsten L Findell, Paul Ginoux, Anand Gnanadesikan, C Tony Gordon, Stephen M Griffies, Richard G Gudgel, Matthew J Harrison, Isaac M Held, Richard S Hemler, Larry W Horowitz, Stephen A Klein, Thomas R Knutson, P J Kushner, Amy R Langenhorst, Hyun-Chul Lee, Shian-Jiann Lin, Jian Lu, Sergey Malyshev, P C D Milly, V Ramaswamy, Joellen L Russell, M Daniel Schwarzkopf, Elena Shevliakova, Joseph J Sirutis, Michael J Spelman, William F Stern, Michael Winton, Andrew T Wittenberg, Bruce Wyman, Fanrong Zeng, and Rong Zhang, 2006: GFDL's CM2 Global Coupled Climate Models. Part I: Formulation and Simulation Characteristics. Journal of Climate, 19(5), DOI:10.1175/JCLI3629.1.
  54. Findell, Kirsten L., Thomas R Knutson, and P C D Milly, 2006: Weak simulated extratropical responses to complete tropical deforestation. Journal of Climate, 19(12), 2835-2850.
    Abstract PDF
  55. Findell, Kirsten L., and Thomas L Delworth, 2005: A modeling study of dynamic and thermodynamic mechanisms for summer drying in response to global warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L16702, DOI:10.1029/2005GL023414.
    Abstract PDF
  56. Held, Isaac M., Thomas L Delworth, Jian Lu, Kirsten L Findell, and Thomas R Knutson, 2005: Simulation of Sahel drought in the 20th and 21st centuries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102(50), DOI:10.1073/pnas.0509057102.
  57. Findell, Kirsten L., and E A B Eltahir, 2003: Atmospheric controls on soil moisture-boundary layer interactions. Part I: Framework development. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4(3), 552-569.
    Abstract PDF
  58. Findell, Kirsten L., and E A B Eltahir, 2003: Atmospheric controls on soil moisture-boundary layer interactions. Part II: Feedbacks within the continental United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4(3), 570-583.
    Abstract PDF
  59. Findell, Kirsten L., and E A B Eltahir, 2003: Atmospheric controls on soil moisture-boundary layer interactions: Three-dimensional wind effects. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D8), 8385, DOI:10.1029/2001JD001515.
    Abstract PDF

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