The Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension (KOE) is the North Pacific oceanic frontal zone where air-sea heat and moisture exchanges allow strong communication between the ocean and atmosphere. Using satellite observations and reanalysis datasets, we show that the KOE surface heat flux variations are very closely linked to Kuroshio Extension (KE) sea surface height (SSH) variability on both seasonal and decadal time scales. We investigate seasonal oceanic and atmospheric anomalies associated with anomalous KE upper ocean temperature, as reflected in SSH anomalies (SSHa). We show that the ocean-induced seasonal changes in air-sea coupled processes, which are accompanied by KE upper-ocean temperature anomalies, lead to significant ocean-to-atmosphere heat transfer during November-December-January (i.e., NDJ). This anomalous NDJ KOE upward heat transfer has recently grown stronger in the observational record, which also appears to be associated with the enhanced KE decadal variability. Highlighting the role of KOE heat fluxes as a communicator between the upper-ocean and the overlying atmosphere, our findings suggest that NDJ KOE heat flux variations could be a useful North Pacific climate indicator.
Research over the past decade has demonstrated that dynamical forecast systems can skillfully predict pan-Arctic sea ice extent (SIE) on the seasonal time scale; however, there have been fewer assessments of prediction skill on user-relevant spatial scales. In this work, we evaluate regional Arctic SIE predictions made with the Forecast-Oriented Low Ocean Resolution (FLOR) and Seamless System for Prediction and Earth System Research (SPEAR_MED) dynamical seasonal forecast systems developed at the NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. Compared to FLOR, we find that the recently developed SPEAR_MED system displays improved skill in predicting regional detrended SIE anomalies, partially owing to improvements in sea ice concentration (SIC) and thickness (SIT) initial conditions. In both systems, winter SIE is skillfully predicted up to 11 months in advance, whereas summer minimum SIE predictions are limited by the Arctic spring predictability barrier, with typical skill horizons of roughly 4 months. We construct a parsimonious set of simple statistical prediction models to investigate the mechanisms of sea ice predictability in these systems. Three distinct predictability regimes are identified: a summer regime dominated by SIE and SIT anomaly persistence; a winter regime dominated by SIE and upper-ocean heat content (uOHC) anomaly persistence; and a combined regime in the Chukchi Sea, characterized by a trade-off between uOHC-based and SIT-based predictability that occurs as the sea ice edge position evolves seasonally. The combination of regional SIE, SIT, and uOHC predictors is able to reproduce the SIE skill of the dynamical models in nearly all regions, suggesting that these statistical predictors provide a stringent skill benchmark for assessing seasonal sea ice prediction systems.
The extension of seasonal to interannual prediction of the physical climate system to include the marine ecosystem has a great potential to inform marine resource management strategies. Along the east coast of Africa, recent findings suggest that skillful Earth system model (ESM)-based chlorophyll predictions may enable anticipation of fisheries fluctuations. The mechanisms underlying skillful chlorophyll predictions, however, were not identified, eroding confidence in potential adaptive management steps. This study demonstrates that skillful chlorophyll predictions up to two years in advance arise from the successful simulation of westward-propagating off-equatorial Rossby waves in the Indian ocean. Upwelling associated with these waves supplies nutrients to the surface layer for the large coastal areas by generating north- and southward propagating waves at the east African coast. Further analysis shows that the off-equatorial Rossby wave is initially excited by wind stress forcing caused by El Niño/Southern Oscillation-Indian Ocean teleconnections.
This study shows that the frequency of North American summertime (June–August) heat extremes is skillfully predicted several months in advance in the newly developed Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Seamless System for Prediction and Earth System Research (SPEAR) seasonal forecast system. Using a statistical optimization method, the average predictability time, we identify three large-scale components of the frequency of North American summer heat extremes that are predictable with significant correlation skill. One component, which is related to a secular warming trend, shows a continent-wide increase in the frequency of summer heat extremes and is highly predictable at least 9 months in advance. This trend component is likely a response to external radiative forcing. The second component is largely driven by the sea surface temperatures in the North Pacific and North Atlantic and is significantly correlated with the central U.S. soil moisture. The second component shows largest loadings over the central United States and is significantly predictable 9 months in advance. The third component, which is related to the central Pacific El Niño, displays a dipole structure over North America and is predictable up to 4 months in advance. Potential implications for advancing seasonal predictions of North American summertime heat extremes are discussed.
The Kuroshio Extension (KE), an eastward-flowing jet located in the Pacific western boundary current system, exhibits prominent seasonal-to-decadal variability, which is crucial for understanding climate variations in the northern midlatitudes. We explore the representation and prediction skill for the KE in the GFDL SPEAR (Seamless System for Prediction and Earth System Research) coupled model. Two different approaches are used to generate coupled reanalyses and forecasts: 1) restoring the coupled model’s SST and atmospheric variables toward existing reanalyses, or 2) assimilating SST and subsurface observations into the coupled model without atmospheric assimilation. Both systems use an ocean model with 1° resolution and capture the largest sea surface height (SSH) variability over the KE region. Assimilating subsurface observations appears to be essential to reproduce the narrow front and related oceanic variability of the KE jet in the coupled reanalysis. We demonstrate skillful retrospective predictions of KE SSH variability in monthly (up to 1 year) and annual-mean (up to 5 years) KE forecasts in the seasonal and decadal prediction systems, respectively. The prediction skill varies seasonally, peaking for forecasts initialized in January and verifying in September due to the winter intensification of North Pacific atmospheric forcing. We show that strong large-scale atmospheric anomalies generate deterministic oceanic forcing (i.e., Rossby waves), leading to skillful long-lead KE forecasts. These atmospheric anomalies also drive Ekman convergence and divergence, which forms ocean memory, by sequestering thermal anomalies deep into the winter mixed layer that re-emerge in the subsequent autumn. The SPEAR forecasts capture the recent negative-to-positive transition of the KE phase in 2017, projecting a continued positive phase through 2022.
Understanding the behavior of western boundary current systems is crucial for predictions of biogeochemical cycles, fisheries, and basin-scale climate modes over the midlatitude oceans. Studies indicate that anthropogenic climate change induces structural changes in the Kuroshio Extension (KE) system, including a northward migration of its oceanic jet. However, changes in the KE temporal variability remain unclear. Using large ensembles of a global coupled climate model, we show that in response to increasing greenhouse gases, the time scale of KE sea surface height (SSH) shifts from interannual scales toward decadal and longer scales. We attribute this increased low-frequency KE variability to enhanced mid-latitude oceanic Rossby wave activity induced by regional and remote atmospheric forcing, due to a poleward shift of midlatitude surface westerly with climatology and an increase in the tropical precipitation activity, which lead to stronger atmospheric teleconnections from El Niño to the midlatitude Pacific and the KE region. Greenhouse warming leads to both a positive (elongated) KE state that restricts ocean perturbations (e.g., eddy activity) and stronger wind-driven KE fluctuations, which enhances the contributions of decadal KE modulations relative to short-time scale intrinsic oceanic KE variations. Our spectral analyses suggest that anthropogenic forcing may alter the future predictability of the KE system.
The impacts of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are expected to change under increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, but the large internal variability of ENSO and its teleconnections makes it challenging to detect such changes in a single realization of nature. In this study, we explore both the internal variability and radiatively forced changes of boreal wintertime ENSO teleconnection patterns through the analysis of 30-member initial condition ensembles of the Seamless System for Prediction and EArth System Research (SPEAR), a coupled global climate model developed by the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. We focus on the projected changes of the large-scale circulation, temperature, and precipitation patterns associated with ENSO for 1951–2100 under moderate and high emissions scenarios (SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5). We determine the time of emergence of these changes from the noise of internal climate variability, by determining the time when the amplitude of the ensemble mean change in the running 30-year ENSO composites first exceeds the 1951-1980 composite anomaly amplitude by at least one ensemble standard deviation. Overall, the high internal variability of ENSO teleconnection patterns primarily limits their expected emergence to tropical and subtropical regions before 2100, where some regions experience robust changes in ENSO-related temperature, precipitation, and 500 hPa geopotential height patterns by the middle of the twenty-first century. The earliest expected emergence generally occurs over tropical South America and Southeast Asia, indicating that an enhanced risk of ENSO-related extreme weather in that region could be detected within the next few decades. For signals that are expected to emerge after 2050, both internal climate variability and scenario uncertainty contribute similarly to a time of emergence uncertainty on the order of a few decades. We further explore the diversity of ENSO teleconnections within the SPEAR large ensemble during the historical period, and demonstrate that historical relationships between tropical sea surface temperatures and ENSO teleconnections are skillful predictors of projected changes in the Northern Hemisphere El Niño 500 hPa geopotential height pattern.
Quantifying the response of atmospheric rivers (ARs) to radiative forcing is challenging due to uncertainties caused by internal climate variability, differences in shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), and methods used in AR detection algorithms. In addition, the requirement of medium-to-high model resolution and ensemble sizes to explicitly simulate ARs and their statistics can be computationally expensive. In this study, we leverage the unique 50-km large ensembles generated by a Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory next-generation global climate model, Seamless system for Prediction and EArth system Research, to explore the warming response in ARs. Under both moderate and high emissions scenarios, increases in AR-day frequency emerge from the noise of internal variability by 2060. This signal is robust across different SSPs and time-independent detection criteria. We further examine an alternative approach proposed by Thompson et al. (2015), showing that unforced AR variability can be approximated by a first-order autoregressive process. The confidence intervals of the projected response can be analytically derived with a single ensemble member.
One of the most puzzling observed features of recent climate has been a multidecadal surface cooling trend over the subpolar Southern Ocean (SO). In this study we use large ensembles of simulations with multiple climate models to study the role of the SO meridional overturning circulation (MOC) in these sea surface temperature (SST) trends. We find that multiple competing processes play prominent roles, consistent with multiple mechanisms proposed in the literature for the observed cooling. Early in the simulations (twentieth century and early twenty-first century) internal variability of the MOC can have a large impact, in part due to substantial simulated multidecadal variability of the MOC. Ensemble members with initially strong convection (and related surface warming due to convective mixing of subsurface warmth to the surface) tend to subsequently cool at the surface as convection associated with internal variability weakens. A second process occurs in the late-twentieth and twenty-first centuries, as weakening of oceanic convection associated with global warming and high-latitude freshening can contribute to the surface cooling trend by suppressing convection and associated vertical mixing of subsurface heat. As the simulations progress, the multidecadal SO variability is suppressed due to forced changes in the mean state and increased oceanic stratification. As a third process, the shallower mixed layers can then rapidly warm due to increasing forcing from greenhouse gas warming. Also, during this period the ensemble spread of SO SST trend partly arises from the spread of the wind-driven Deacon cell strength. Thus, different processes could conceivably have led to the observed cooling trend, consistent with the range of possibilities presented in the literature. To better understand the causes of the observed trend, it is important to better understand the characteristics of internal low-frequency variability in the SO and the response of that variability to global warming.
The current GFDL seasonal prediction system, the Seamless System for Prediction and Earth System Research (SPEAR), has shown skillful prediction of Arctic sea ice extent with atmosphere and ocean constrained by observations. In this study we present improvements in subseasonal and seasonal predictions of Arctic sea ice by directly assimilating sea ice observations. The sea ice initial conditions from a data assimilation (DA) system that assimilates satellite sea ice concentration (SIC) observations are used to produce a set of reforecast experiments (IceDA) starting from the first day of each month from 1992 to 2017. Our evaluation of daily sea ice extent prediction skill concludes that the SPEAR system generally outperforms the anomaly persistence forecast at lead times beyond 1 month. We primarily focus our analysis on daily gridcell-level sea ice fields. SIC DA improves prediction skill of SIC forecasts prominently in the June-, July-, August-, and September-initialized reforecasts. We evaluate two additional user-oriented metrics: the ice-free probability (IFP) and ice-free date (IFD). IFP is the probability of a grid cell experiencing ice-free conditions in a given year, and IFD is the first date on which a grid cell is ice free. A combined analysis of IFP and IFD demonstrates that the SPEAR model can make skillful predictions of local ice melt as early as May, with modest improvements from SIC DA.
Compared to the Arctic, seasonal predictions of Antarctic sea ice have received relatively little attention. In this work, we utilize three coupled dynamical prediction systems developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory to assess the seasonal prediction skill and predictability of Antarctic sea ice. These systems, based on the FLOR, SPEAR_LO, and SPEAR_MED dynamical models, differ in their coupled model components, initialization techniques, atmospheric resolution, and model biases. Using suites of retrospective initialized seasonal predictions spanning 1992–2018, we investigate the role of these factors in determining Antarctic sea ice prediction skill and examine the mechanisms of regional sea ice predictability. We find that each system is capable of skillfully predicting regional Antarctic sea ice extent (SIE) with skill that exceeds a persistence forecast. Winter SIE is skillfully predicted 11 months in advance in the Weddell, Amundsen/Bellingshausen, Indian, and west Pacific sectors, whereas winter skill is notably lower in the Ross sector. Zonally advected upper-ocean heat content anomalies are found to provide the crucial source of prediction skill for the winter sea ice edge position. The recently developed SPEAR systems are more skillful than FLOR for summer sea ice predictions, owing to improvements in sea ice concentration and sea ice thickness initialization. Summer Weddell SIE is skillfully predicted up to 9 months in advance in SPEAR_MED, due to the persistence and drift of initialized sea ice thickness anomalies from the previous winter. Overall, these results suggest a promising potential for providing operational Antarctic sea ice predictions on seasonal time scales.
Atmospheric rivers (ARs) exert significant socioeconomic impacts in western North America, where 30% of the annual precipitation is determined by ARs that occur in less than 15% of wintertime. ARs are thus beneficial to water supply but can produce extreme precipitation hazards when making landfall. While most prevailing research has focused on the subseasonal (<5 weeks) prediction of ARs, only limited efforts have been made for AR forecasts on multiseasonal timescales (>3 months) that are crucial for water resource management and disaster preparedness. Through the analysis of reanalysis data and retrospective predictions from a new seasonal-to-decadal forecast system, this research shows the existing potential of multiseasonal AR frequency forecasts with predictive skills 9 months in advance. Additional analysis explores the dominant predictability sources and challenges for multiseasonal AR prediction.
Using GFDL's new coupled model SPEAR, we have developed a decadal coupled reanalysis/initialization system (DCIS) that does not use subsurface ocean observations. In DCIS, the winds and temperature in the atmosphere, along with sea surface temperature (SST), are restored to observations. Under this approach the ocean component of the coupled model experiences a sequence of surface heat and momentum fluxes that are similar to observations. DCIS offers two initialization approaches, called A1 and A2, which differ only in the atmospheric forcing from observations. In A1, the atmospheric winds/temperature are restored toward the JRA reanalysis; in A2, surface pressure observations are assimilated in the model. Two sets of coupled reanalyses have been completed during 1961–2019 using A1 and A2, and they show very similar multi-decadal variations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Two sets of retrospective decadal forecasts were then conducted using initial conditions from the A1 and A2 reanalyses. In comparison with previous prediction system CM2.1, SPEAR-A1/A2 shows comparable skill of predicting the North Atlantic subpolar gyre SST, which is highly correlated with initial values of AMOC at all lead years. SPEAR-A1 significantly outperforms CM2.1 in predicting multi-decadal SST trends in the Southern Ocean (SO). Both A1 and A2 have skillful prediction of Sahel precipitation and the associated ITCZ shift. The prediction skill of SST is generally lower in A2 than A1 especially over SO presumably due to the sparse surface pressure observations.
We document the development and simulation characteristics of the next generation modeling system for seasonal to decadal prediction and projection at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). SPEAR (Seamless System for Prediction and EArth System Research) is built from component models recently developed at GFDL ‐ the AM4 atmosphere model, MOM6 ocean code, LM4 land model and SIS2 sea ice model. The SPEAR models are specifically designed with attributes needed for a prediction model for seasonal to decadal time scales, including the ability to run large ensembles of simulations with available computational resources. For computational speed SPEAR uses a coarse ocean resolution of approximately 1.0o (with tropical refinement). SPEAR can use differing atmospheric horizontal resolutions ranging from 1o to 0.25o. The higher atmospheric resolution facilitates improved simulation of regional climate and extremes. SPEAR is built from the same components as the GFDL CM4 and ESM 4 models, but with design choices geared toward seasonal to multidecadal physical climate prediction and projection. We document simulation characteristics for the time‐mean climate, aspects of internal variability, and the response to both idealized and realistic radiative forcing change. We describe in greater detail one focus of the model development process that was motivated by the importance of the Southern Ocean to the global climate system. We present sensitivity tests that document the influence of the Antarctic surface heat budget on Southern Ocean ventilation and deep global ocean circulation. These findings were also useful in the development processes for the GFDL CM4 and ESM 4 models.
Lu, Lv, Shaoqing Zhang, Stephen G Yeager, Gokhan Danabasoglu, P Chang, Lixin Wu, Xiaopei Lin, Anthony Rosati, and Feiyu Lu, September 2020: Impact of Coherent Ocean Stratification on AMOC Reconstruction by Coupled Data Assimilation with a Biased Model. Journal of Climate, 33(17), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0735.1. Abstract
The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is of great importance in Earth’s climate system, and reconstructing its structure and variability by combining observations with a coupled model is a key step in understanding historical and future states of AMOC. However, models always have systematic errors called bias owing to imperfect numerical representation of the real world. Model bias and the sparse nature of ocean observations, particularly in deep oceans, make it difficult to generate a complete historical picture of AMOC structure and variability. Here, two coupled models that are biased with respect to each other are used to design “twin” experiments to systematically study the influence of model bias on AMOC reconstruction. One model is used to produce the “observations” that sample the “true” solution of the AMOC to be reconstructed, while the other model is used to incorporate the “observations” to reconstruct the “truth” through coupled data assimilation (CDA). The degree to which the “truth” is recovered by a CDA scheme assesses the critical role of coherent (both upper- and deep-ocean incorporate enough observations to mitigate stratification instability) ocean stratification on AMOC reconstruction. Results show that balancing restoration of climatology and assimilation of observations is vital to better reconstruct AMOC structure and variability, given that most ocean observations are only available in the upper 2000 m. The gained results serve as a guideline in ocean-state estimation with a balance of deep restoring and upper data constraint for climate prediction initialization, especially for decadal predictions.
The next‐generation seasonal prediction system is built as part of the Seamless System for Prediction and EArth System Research (SPEAR) at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). SPEAR is an effort to develop a seamless system for prediction and research across time scales. The ensemble‐based ocean data assimilation (ODA) system is updated for Modular Ocean Model Version 6 (MOM6), the ocean component of SPEAR. Ocean initial conditions for seasonal predictions, as well as an ocean state estimation, are produced by the MOM6 ODA system in coupled SPEAR models. Initial conditions of the atmosphere, land, and sea ice components for seasonal predictions are constructed through additional nudging experiments in the same coupled SPEAR models. A bias correction scheme called ocean tendency adjustment (OTA) is applied to coupled model seasonal predictions to reduce model drift. OTA applies the climatological temperature and salinity increments obtained from ODA as three‐dimensional tendency terms to the MOM6 ocean component of the coupled SPEAR models. Based on preliminary retrospective seasonal forecasts, we demonstrate that OTA reduces model drift—especially sea surface temperature (SST) forecast drift—in coupled model predictions and improves seasonal prediction skill for applications such as El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
We document the configuration and emergent simulation features from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) OM4.0 ocean/sea‐ice model. OM4 serves as the ocean/sea‐ice component for the GFDL climate and Earth system models. It is also used for climate science research and is contributing to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project version 6 Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6/OMIP). The ocean component of OM4 uses version 6 of the Modular Ocean Model (MOM6) and the sea‐ice component uses version 2 of the Sea Ice Simulator (SIS2), which have identical horizontal grid layouts (Arakawa C‐grid). We follow the Coordinated Ocean‐sea ice Reference Experiments (CORE) protocol to assess simulation quality across a broad suite of climate relevant features. We present results from two versions differing by horizontal grid spacing and physical parameterizations: OM4p5 has nominal 0.5° spacing and includes mesoscale eddy parameterizations and OM4p25 has nominal 0.25° spacing with no mesoscale eddy parameterization.
MOM6 makes use of a vertical Lagrangian‐remap algorithm that enables general vertical coordinates. We show that use of a hybrid depth‐isopycnal coordinate reduces the mid‐depth ocean warming drift commonly found in pure z* vertical coordinate ocean models. To test the need for the mesoscale eddy parameterization used in OM4p5, we examine the results from a simulation that removes the eddy parameterization. The water mass structure and model drift are physically degraded relative to OM4p5, thus supporting the key role for a mesoscale closure at this resolution.
Seasonal predictions of Arctic sea ice on regional spatial scales are a pressing need for a broad group of stakeholders, however, most assessments of predictability and forecast skill to date have focused on pan-Arctic sea–ice extent (SIE). In this work, we present the first direct comparison of perfect model (PM) and operational (OP) seasonal prediction skill for regional Arctic SIE within a common dynamical prediction system. This assessment is based on two complementary suites of seasonal prediction ensemble experiments performed with a global coupled climate model. First, we present a suite of PM predictability experiments with start dates spanning the calendar year, which are used to quantify the potential regional SIE prediction skill of this system. Second, we assess the system’s OP prediction skill for detrended regional SIE using a suite of retrospective initialized seasonal forecasts spanning 1981–2016. In nearly all Arctic regions and for all target months, we find a substantial skill gap between PM and OP predictions of regional SIE. The PM experiments reveal that regional winter SIE is potentially predictable at lead times beyond 12 months, substantially longer than the skill of their OP counterparts. Both the OP and PM predictions display a spring prediction skill barrier for regional summer SIE forecasts, indicating a fundamental predictability limit for summer regional predictions. We find that a similar barrier exists for pan-Arctic sea–ice volume predictions, but is not present for predictions of pan-Arctic SIE. The skill gap identified in this work indicates a promising potential for future improvements in regional SIE predictions.
Dynamical prediction systems have shown potential to meet the emerging need for seasonal forecasts of regional Arctic sea ice. Observationally constrained initial conditions are a key source of skill for these predictions, but the direct influence of different observation types on prediction skill has not yet been systematically investigated. In this work, we perform a hierarchy of Observing System Experiments with a coupled global data assimilation and prediction system to assess the value of different classes of oceanic and atmospheric observations for seasonal sea-ice predictions in the Barents Sea. We find notable skill improvements due to the inclusion of both sea-surface temperature (SST) satellite observations and subsurface conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) measurements. The SST data is found to provide the crucial source of interannual variability, whereas the CTD data primarily provide climatological and trend improvements. Analysis of the Barents Sea ocean heat budget suggests that ocean heat content anomalies in this region are driven by surface heat fluxes on seasonal timescales.
We describe GFDL's CM4.0 physical climate model, with emphasis on those aspects that may be of particular importance to users of this model and its simulations. The model is built with the AM4.0/LM4.0 atmosphere/land model and OM4.0 ocean model. Topics include the rationale for key choices made in the model formulation, the stability as well as drift of the pre‐industrial control simulation, and comparison of key aspects of the historical simulations with observations from recent decades. Notable achievements include the relatively small biases in seasonal spatial patterns of top‐of‐atmosphere fluxes, surface temperature, and precipitation; reduced double Intertropical Convergence Zone bias; dramatically improved representation of ocean boundary currents; a high quality simulation of climatological Arctic sea ice extent and its recent decline; and excellent simulation of the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation spectrum and structure. Areas of concern include inadequate deep convection in the Nordic Seas; an inaccurate Antarctic sea ice simulation; precipitation and wind composites still affected by the equatorial cold tongue bias; muted variability in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation; strong 100 year quasi‐periodicity in Southern Ocean ventilation; and a lack of historical warming before 1990 and too rapid warming thereafter due to high climate sensitivity and strong aerosol forcing, in contrast to the observational record. Overall, CM4.0 scores very well in its fidelity against observations compared to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 generation in terms of both mean state and modes of variability and should prove a valuable new addition for analysis across a broad array of applications.
Climate variations have a profound impact on marine ecosystems and the communities that depend upon them. Anticipating ecosystem shifts using global Earth system models (ESMs) could enable communities to adapt to climate fluctuations and contribute to long-term ecosystem resilience. We show that newly developed ESM-based marine biogeochemical predictions can skillfully predict satellite-derived seasonal to multiannual chlorophyll fluctuations in many regions. Prediction skill arises primarily from successfully simulating the chlorophyll response to the El Niño–Southern Oscillation and capturing the winter reemergence of subsurface nutrient anomalies in the extratropics, which subsequently affect spring and summer chlorophyll concentrations. Further investigations suggest that interannual fish-catch variations in selected large marine ecosystems can be anticipated from predicted chlorophyll and sea surface temperature anomalies. This result, together with high predictability for other marine-resource–relevant biogeochemical properties (e.g., oxygen, primary production), suggests a role for ESM-based marine biogeochemical predictions in dynamic marine resource management efforts.
Responses of tropical cyclones (TCs) to CO2 doubling are explored using coupled global climate models (GCMs) with increasingly refined atmospheric/land horizontal grids (~ 200 km, ~ 50 km and ~ 25 km). The three models exhibit similar changes in background climate fields thought to regulate TC activity, such as relative sea surface temperature (SST), potential intensity, and wind shear. However, global TC frequency decreases substantially in the 50 km model, while the 25 km model shows no significant change. The ~ 25 km model also has a substantial and spatially-ubiquitous increase of Category 3–4–5 hurricanes. Idealized perturbation experiments are performed to understand the TC response. Each model’s transient fully-coupled 2 × CO2 TC activity response is largely recovered by “time-slice” experiments using time-invariant SST perturbations added to each model’s own SST climatology. The TC response to SST forcing depends on each model’s background climatological SST biases: removing these biases leads to a global TC intensity increase in the ~ 50 km model, and a global TC frequency increase in the ~ 25 km model, in response to CO2-induced warming patterns and CO2 doubling. Isolated CO2 doubling leads to a significant TC frequency decrease, while isolated uniform SST warming leads to a significant global TC frequency increase; the ~ 25 km model has a greater tendency for frequency increase. Global TC frequency responds to both (1) changes in TC “seeds”, which increase due to warming (more so in the ~ 25 km model) and decrease due to higher CO2 concentrations, and (2) less efficient development of these“seeds” into TCs, largely due to the nonlinear relation between temperature and saturation specific humidity.
An observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) using an ensemble coupled data assimilation system was designed to investigate the impact of deep ocean Argo profile assimilation in a biased numerical climate system. Based on the modern Argo observational array and an artificial extension to full depth, “observations” drawn from one coupled general circulation model (CM2.0) were assimilated into another model (CM2.1). Our results showed that coupled data assimilation with simultaneous atmospheric and oceanic constraints plays a significant role in preventing deep ocean drift. However, the extension of the Argo array to full depth did not significantly improve the quality of the oceanic climate estimation within the bias magnitude in the twin experiment. Even in the “identical” twin experiment for the deep Argo array from the same model (CM2.1) with the assimilation model, no significant changes were shown in the deep ocean, such as in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and the Antarctic bottom water cell. The small ensemble spread and corresponding weak constraints by the deep Argo profiles with medium spatial and temporal resolution may explain why the deep Argo profiles did not improve the deep ocean features in the assimilation system. Additional studies using different assimilation methods with improved spatial and temporal resolution of the deep Argo array are necessary in order to more thoroughly understand the impact of the deep Argo array on the assimilation system.
Reliable estimates of historical and current biogeochemistry are essential for understanding past ecosystem variability and predicting future changes. Efforts to translate improved physical ocean state estimates into improved biogeochemical estimates, however, are hindered by high biogeochemical sensitivity to transient momentum imbalances that arise during physical data assimilation. Most notably, the breakdown of geostrophic constraints on data assimilation in equatorial regions can lead to spurious upwelling, resulting in excessive equatorial productivity and biogeochemical fluxes. This hampers efforts to understand and predict the biogeochemical consequences of El Niño and La Niña. We develop a strategy to robustly integrate an ocean biogeochemical model with an ensemble coupled-climate data assimilation system used for seasonal to decadal global climate prediction. Addressing spurious vertical velocities requires two steps. First, we find that tightening constraints on atmospheric data assimilation maintains a better equatorial wind stress and pressure gradient balance. This reduces spurious vertical velocities, but those remaining still produce substantial biogeochemical biases. The remainder is addressed by imposing stricter fidelity to model dynamics over data constraints near the equator. We determine an optimal choice of model-data weights that removed spurious biogeochemical signals while benefitting from off-equatorial constraints that still substantially improve equatorial physical ocean simulations. Compared to the unconstrained control run, the optimally constrained model reduces equatorial biogeochemical biases and markedly improves the equatorial subsurface nitrate concentrations and hypoxic area. The pragmatic approach described herein offers a means of advancing earth system prediction in parallel with continued data assimilation advances aimed at fully considering equatorial data constraints.
The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) has recently developed two global coupled GCMs, FLOR and HiFLOR, which are now being utilized for climate research and seasonal predictions. Compared to their predecessor CM2.1, the new versions have improved ocean/atmosphere physics and numerics, and refinement of the atmospheric horizontal grid from 220 km (CM2.1) to 55 km (FLOR) and 26 km (HiFLOR). Both FLOR and HiFLOR demonstrate greatly improved simulations of the tropical Pacific annual‐mean climatology, with FLOR practically eliminating any equatorial cold bias in sea surface temperature. An additional model experiment (LOAR1) using FLOR's ocean/atmosphere physics, but with the atmospheric grid coarsened toward that of CM2.1, is used to further isolate the impacts of the refined atmospheric grid versus the improved physics and numerics. The improved ocean/atmosphere formulations are found to produce more realistic tropical Pacific patterns of sea surface temperature and rainfall, surface heat fluxes, ocean mixed layer depths, surface currents, and tropical instability wave (TIW) activity; enhance the near‐surface equatorial upwelling; and reduce the inter‐centennial warm drift of the tropical Pacific upper ocean. The atmospheric grid refinement further improves these features, and also improves the tropical Pacific surface wind stress, implied Ekman and Sverdrup transports, subsurface temperature and salinity structure, and heat advection in the equatorial upper ocean. The results highlight the importance of nonlocal air‐sea interactions in the tropical Pacific climate system, including the influence of off‐equatorial surface fluxes on the equatorial annual‐mean state. Implications are discussed for improving future simulations, observations, and predictions of tropical Pacific climate.
Due to its persistence on seasonal timescales, Arctic sea-ice thickness (SIT) is a potential source of predictability for summer sea-ice extent (SIE). New satellite observations of SIT represent an opportunity to harness this potential predictability via improved thickness initialization in seasonal forecast systems. In this work, the evolution of Arctic sea-ice volume anomalies is studied using a 700-year control integration and a suite of initialized ensemble forecasts from a fully-coupled global climate model. Our analysis is focused on the September sea-ice zone, as this is the region where thickness anomalies have the potential to impact the SIE minimum. The primary finding of this paper is that, in addition to a general decay with time, sea-ice volume anomalies display a summer enhancement, in which anomalies tend to grow between the months of May and July. This summer enhancement is relatively symmetric for positive and negative volume anomalies and peaks in July regardless of the initial month. Analysis of the surface energy budget reveals that the summer volume anomaly enhancement is driven by a positive feedback between the SIT state and the surface albedo. The SIT state affects surface albedo through changes in the sea-ice concentration field, melt-onset date, snow coverage, and ice-thickness distribution, yielding an anomaly in the total absorbed shortwave radiation between May and August, which enhances the existing SIT anomaly. This phenomenon highlights the crucial importance of accurate SIT initialization and representation of ice-albedo feedback processes in seasonal forecast systems.
Recent Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction efforts and forecast skill assessments have primarily focused on pan-Arctic sea-ice extent (SIE). In this work, we move towards stakeholder-relevant spatial scales, investigating the regional forecast skill of Arctic sea ice in a Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) seasonal prediction system. Using a suite of retrospective initialized forecasts spanning 1981–2015 made with a coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice-land model, we show that predictions of detrended regional SIE are skillful at lead times up to 11 months. Regional prediction skill is highly region and target month dependent, and generically exceeds the skill of an anomaly persistence forecast. We show for the first time that initializing the ocean subsurface in a seasonal prediction system can yield significant regional skill for winter SIE. Similarly, as suggested by previous work, we find that sea-ice thickness initial conditions provide a crucial source of skill for regional summer SIE.
Karspeck, Alicia R., Detlef Stammer, Armin Köhl, Gokhan Danabasoglu, Magdalena Alonso Balmaseda, D M Smith, Yosuke Fujii, Shaoqing Zhang, B Giese, Hiroyuki Tsujino, and Anthony Rosati, August 2017: Comparison of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation between 1960 and 2007 in six ocean reanalysis products. Climate Dynamics, 49(3), DOI:10.1007/s00382-015-2787-7. Abstract
The mean and variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), as represented in six ocean reanalysis products, are analyzed over the period 1960–2007. Particular focus is on multi-decadal trends and interannual variability at 26.5°N and 45°N. For four of the six reanalysis products, corresponding reference simulations obtained from the same models and forcing datasets but without the imposition of subsurface data constraints are included for comparison. An emphasis is placed on identifying general characteristics of the reanalysis representation of AMOC relative to their reference simulations without subsurface data constraints. The AMOC as simulated in these two sets are presented in the context of results from the Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments phase II (CORE-II) effort, wherein a common interannually varying atmospheric forcing data set was used to force a large and diverse set of global ocean-ice models. Relative to the reference simulations and CORE-II forced model simulations it is shown that (1) the reanalysis products tend to have greater AMOC mean strength and enhanced variance and (2) the reanalysis products are less consistent in their year-to-year AMOC changes. We also find that relative to the reference simulations (but not the CORE-II forced model simulations) the reanalysis products tend to have enhanced multi-decadal trends (from 1975–1995 to 1995–2007) in the mid to high latitudes of the northern hemisphere.
Decisions made by fishers and fisheries managers are informed by climate and fisheries observations that now often span more than 50 years. Multi-annual climate forecasts could further inform such decisions if they were skillful in predicting future conditions relative to the 50-year scope of past variability. We demonstrate that an existing multi-annual prediction system skillfully forecasts the probability of next year, the next 1–3 years, and the next 1–10 years being warmer or cooler than the 50-year average at the surface in coastal ecosystems. Probabilistic forecasts of upper and lower seas surface temperature (SST) terciles over the next 3 or 10 years from the GFDL CM 2.1 10-member ensemble global prediction system showed significant improvements in skill over the use of a 50-year climatology for most Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) in the North Atlantic, the western Pacific, and Indian oceans. Through a comparison of the forecast skill of initialized and uninitialized hindcasts, we demonstrate that this skill is largely due to the predictable signature of radiative forcing changes over the 50-year timescale rather than prediction of evolving modes of climate variability. North Atlantic LMEs stood out as the only coastal regions where initialization significantly contributed to SST prediction skill at the 1 to 10 year scale.
The TAO/TRITON array is the cornerstone of the tropical Pacific and ENSO observing system. Motivated by the recent rapid decline of the TAO/TRITON array, the potential utility of TAO/TRITON was assessed for ENSO monitoring and prediction. The analysis focused on the period when observations from Argo floats were also available. We coordinated observing system experiments (OSEs) using the global ocean data assimilation system (GODAS) from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and the ensemble coupled data assimilation (ECDA) from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory for the period 2004–2011. Four OSE simulations were conducted with inclusion of different subsets of in situ profiles: all profiles (XBT, moorings, Argo), all except the moorings, all except the Argo and no profiles. For evaluation of the OSE simulations, we examined the mean bias, standard deviation difference, root-mean-square difference (RMSD) and anomaly correlation against observations and objective analyses. Without assimilation of in situ observations, both GODAS and ECDA had large mean biases and RMSD in all variables. Assimilation of all in situ data significantly reduced mean biases and RMSD in all variables except zonal current at the equator. For GODAS, the mooring data is critical in constraining temperature in the eastern and northwestern tropical Pacific, while for ECDA both the mooring and Argo data is needed in constraining temperature in the western tropical Pacific. The Argo data is critical in constraining temperature in off-equatorial regions for both GODAS and ECDA. For constraining salinity, sea surface height and surface current analysis, the influence of Argo data was more pronounced. In addition, the salinity data from the TRITON buoys played an important role in constraining salinity in the western Pacific. GODAS was more sensitive to withholding Argo data in off-equatorial regions than ECDA because it relied on local observations to correct model biases and there were few XBT profiles in those regions. The results suggest that multiple ocean data assimilation systems should be used to assess sensitivity of ocean analyses to changes in the distribution of ocean observations to get more robust results that can guide the design of future tropical Pacific observing systems.
This study examines the year-to-year modulation of the western North Pacific (WNP) tropical cyclones (TC) activity by the Atlantic Meridional Mode (AMM) using both observations and the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Forecast-oriented Low Ocean Resolution Version of CM2.5 (FLOR) global coupled model. 1. The positive (negative) AMM phase suppresses (enhances) WNP TC activity in observations. The anomalous occurrence of WNP TCs results mainly from changes in TC genesis in the southeastern part of the WNP. 2. The observed responses of WNP TC activity to the AMM are connected to the anomalous zonal vertical wind shear (ZVWS) caused by AMM-induced changes to the Walker circulation. During the positive AMM phase, the warming in the North Atlantic induces strong descending flow in the tropical eastern and central Pacific, which intensifies the Walker cell in the WNP. The intensified Walker cell is responsible for the suppressed (enhanced) TC genesis in the eastern (western) part of the WNP by strengthening (weakening) ZVWS. 3. The observed WNPTC–AMM linkage is examined by the long-term control and idealized perturbations experiment with FLOR-FA. A suite of sensitivity experiments strongly corroborate the observed WNPTC–AMM linkage and underlying physical mechanisms.
The seasonal variability of the mean kinetic energy (MKE) and eddy kinetic energy (EKE) of the Gulf Stream (GS) is examined using high-resolution regional ocean model simulations. A set of three numerical experiments with different surface wind and buoyancy forcing is analyzed to investigate the mechanisms governing the seasonal cycle of upper ocean energetics. In the GS along-coast region, MKE has a significant seasonal cycle that peaks in summer, while EKE has two comparable peaks in May and September near the surface; The May peak decays rapidly with depth. In the off-coast region, MKE has a weak seasonal cycle that peaks in summer, while EKE has a dominant peak in May and a secondary peak in September near the surface. The May peak also decays with depth leaving the September peak as the only seasonal signal below 100m. An analysis of the three numerical experiments suggests that the seasonal variability in the local wind forcing significantly impacts the September peak of the along-coast EKE through a local-flow barotropic instability process. Alternatively, the seasonal buoyancy forcing primarily impacts the flow baroclinic instability and is consequently related to the May peak of the upper ocean EKE in both regions. The analysis results indicate that the seasonal cycle of the along-coast MKE is influenced by both local energy generation by wind and the advection of energy from upstream regions. Finally, the MKE cycle and the September peak of EKE in the off-coast region are mainly affected by advection of energy from remote regions, giving rise to correlations with the seasonal cycle of remote winds.
Uncertainty in cumulus convection parameterization is one of the most important causes of model climate drift through interactions between large-scale background and local convection that has empirically-set parameters. Without addressing the large-scale feedback, the calibrated parameter values within a convection scheme are usually not optimal for a climate model. This study first designs a multiple-column atmospheric model which includes large-scale feedbacks for cumulus convection, and then explores the role of large-scale feedbacks in cumulus convection parameter estimation using an ensemble filter. The performance of convection parameter estimation with or without the presence of large-scale feedback is examined. It is found that including large-scale feedbacks in cumulus convection parameter estimation can significantly improve the estimation quality. This is because large-scale feedbacks help transform local convection uncertainties into global climate sensitivities, and including these feedbacks enhances the statistical representation of the relationship between parameters and state variables. The results of this study provide insights for further understanding of climate drift induced from imperfect cumulus convection parameterization, which may help improve climate modeling.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) fifth assessment of projected global and regional ocean temperature change is based on global climate models that have coarse (∼100-km) ocean and atmosphere resolutions. In the Northwest Atlantic, the ensemble of global climate models has a warm bias in sea surface temperature due to a misrepresentation of the Gulf Stream position; thus, existing climate change projections are based on unrealistic regional ocean circulation. Here we compare simulations and an atmospheric CO2 doubling response from four global climate models of varying ocean and atmosphere resolution. We find that the highest resolution climate model (∼10-km ocean, ∼50-km atmosphere) resolves Northwest Atlantic circulation and water mass distribution most accurately. The CO2 doubling response from this model shows that upper-ocean (0-300 m) temperature in the Northwest Atlantic Shelf warms at a rate nearly twice as fast as the coarser models and nearly three times faster than the global average. This enhanced warming is accompanied by an increase in salinity due to a change in water mass distribution that is related to a retreat of the Labrador Current and a northerly shift of the Gulf Stream. Both observations and the climate model demonstrate a robust relationship between a weakening Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and an increase in the proportion of Warm-Temperate Slope Water entering the Northwest Atlantic Shelf. Therefore, prior climate change projections for the Northwest Atlantic may be far too conservative. These results point to the need to improve simulations of basin and regional-scale ocean circulation.
This study aims to assess whether, and the extent to which, an increase in atmospheric resolution in versions of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) High-Resolution Forecast-oriented Low Ocean Resolution Version of CM2.5 (FLOR) with 50 km and HiFLOR with 25 km improves the simulation of the El Niño Southern Oscillation-tropical cyclone (ENSO-TC) connections in the western North Pacific (WNP). HiFLOR simulates better ENSO-TC connections in the WNP including TC track density, genesis and landfall than FLOR in both long-term control experiments and sea surface temperature (SST)- and sea surface salinity (SSS)-restoring historical runs (1971-2012). Restoring experiments are performed with SSS and SST restored to observational estimates of climatological SSS and interannually-varying monthly SST. In the control experiments of HiFLOR, an improved simulation of the Walker circulation arising from more realistic SST and precipitation is largely responsible for its better performance in simulating ENSO-TC connections in the WNP. In the SST-restoring experiments of HiFLOR, more realistic Walker circulation and steering flow during El Niño/La Niña are responsible for the improved simulation of ENSO-TC connections in the WNP. The improved simulation of ENSO-TC connections with HiFLOR arises from a better representation of SST and better responses of environmental large-scale circulation to SST anomalies associated with El Niño/La Niña. A better representation of ENSO-TC connections in HiFLOR can benefit the seasonal forecasting of TC genesis, track and landfall, improve our understanding of the interannual variation of TC activity, and provide better projection of TC activity under climate change.
Portions of western North America have experienced prolonged drought over the last decade. This drought has occurred at the same time as the global warming hiatus – a decadal period with little increase in global mean surface temperature. We use climate models and observational analyses to clarify the dual role of recent tropical Pacific changes in driving both the global warming hiatus and North American drought. When we insert observed tropical Pacific wind stress anomalies into coupled models, the simulations produce persistent negative sea surface temperature anomalies in the eastern tropical Pacific, a hiatus in global warming, and drought over North America driven by SST-induced atmospheric circulation anomalies. In our simulations the tropical wind anomalies account for 92% of the simulated North American drought during the recent decade, with 8% from anthropogenic radiative forcing changes. This suggests that anthropogenic radiative forcing is not the dominant driver of the current drought, unless the wind changes themselves are driven by anthropogenic radiative forcing. The anomalous tropical winds could also originate from coupled interactions in the tropical Pacific or from forcing outside the tropical Pacific. The model experiments suggest that if the tropical winds were to return to climatological conditions, then the recent tendency toward North American drought would diminish. Alternatively, if the tropical winds were to persist, then the impact on North American drought would continue; however, the impact of the enhanced Pacific easterlies on global temperature diminishes after a decade or two due to a surface reemergence of warmer water that was initially subducted into the ocean interior.
This study demonstrates skillful seasonal prediction of 2m air temperature and precipitation over land in a new high-resolution climate model developed by Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, and explores the possible sources of the skill. We employ a statistical optimization approach to identify the most predictable components of seasonal mean temperature and precipitation over land, and demonstrate the predictive skill of these components. First, we show improved skill of the high-resolution model over the previous lower-resolution model in seasonal prediction of NINO3.4 index and other aspects of interest. Then we measure the skill of temperature and precipitation in the high-resolution model for boreal winter and summer, and diagnose the sources of the skill. Lastly, we reconstruct predictions using a few most predictable components to yield more skillful predictions than the raw model predictions. Over three decades of hindcasts, we find that the two most predictable components of temperature are characterized by a component that is likely due to changes in external radiative forcing in boreal winter and summer, and an ENSO-related pattern in boreal winter. The most predictable components of precipitation in both seasons are very likely ENSO-related. These components of temperature and precipitation can be predicted with significant correlation skill at least 9 months in advance. The reconstructed predictions using only the first few predictable components from the model show considerably better skill relative to observations than raw model predictions. This study shows that the use of refined statistical analysis and a high-resolution dynamical model leads to significant skill in seasonal predictions of 2m air temperature and precipitation over land.
Rosati, Anthony, Oscar Alves, Magdalena Alonso Balmaseda, Xiaosong Yang, and Yan Xue, 2015: Ocean data assimilation for ENSO prediction. U.S. CLIVAR Variations, 13(1), .
The seasonal predictability of extratropical storm tracks in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)’s high-resolution climate model has been investigated using an average predictability time analysis. The leading predictable components of extratropical storm tracks are ENSO-related spatial pattern for both boreal winter and summer, and the second predictable components are mostly due to changes in external radiative forcing and multidecadal oceanic variability. These two predictable components for both seasons show significant correlation skill for all leads from 0 to 9 months, while the skill of predicting the boreal winter storm track is consistently higher than that of the austral winter. The predictable components of extratropical storm tracks are dynamically consistent with the predictable components of the upper troposphere jet flow for both seasons. Over the region with strong storm track signals in North America, the model is able to predict the changes in statistics of extremes connected to storm track changes (e.g., extreme low and high sea level pressure and extreme 2m air temperature) in response to different ENSO phases. These results point towards the possibility of providing skillful seasonal predictions of the statistics of extratropical extremes over land using high-resolution coupled models.
This study examines two sets of high-resolution coupled model forecasts starting from no-tropical cyclone (TC) and correct-TC-statistics initial conditions to understand the role of TC events on climate prediction. While the model with no-TC initial conditions can quickly spin up TCs within a week, the initial conditions with a corrected TC distribution can produce more accurate forecast of sea surface temperature up to one and half months and maintain larger ocean heat content up to 6 months due to enhanced mixing from continuous interactions between initialized and forecasted TCs and the evolving ocean states. The TC-enhanced tropical ocean mixing strengthens the meridional heat transport in the Southern Hemisphere driven primarily by Southern Ocean surface Ekman fluxes but weakens the Northern Hemisphere poleward transport in this model. This study suggests a future plausible initialization procedure for seamless weather-climate prediction when individual convection-permitting cyclone initialization is incorporated into this TC-statistics-permitting framework.
There have been few attempts to quantify errors in various objective analyzed (OA) fields, even though they have potential uncertainties associated with data handling and mapping methods. Here, we compare five different OA fields (EN3, GFDL, IPRC, JAMSTEC, and SIO) for 2008–2011. The variability and linear trends of the upper ocean temperature are very similar in every ocean basin, but the mean values are different from each other. This discrepancy is evident, especially around the southern ocean (± 0.07 °C in the Antarctic Ocean) where Argo observations are still sparse, which is related to different first-guess climatologies and decorrelation length scales applied to individual OA products. In the subpolar North Atlantic, detailed spatial anomalous patterns are also different. Along the boundary current areas, substantial warming (salting) anomalies with respect to WOA09 climatology are depicted by GFDL, IPRC, and SIO. By comparing with statistical bin-averaged fields and data assimilation products, we confirm that this anomalous pattern is robust, but it could be exaggerated when we calculate the anomalies with WOA09 climatology or other OA fields showing a relatively weak horizontal gradient across the boundary current regions.
Global tropical cyclone (TC) activity is simulated by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) CM2.5, which is a fully coupled global climate model with horizontal resolution of about 50km for atmosphere and 25 km for ocean. The present climate simulation shows fairly realistic global TC frequency, seasonal cycle, and geographical distribution. The model has some notable biases in regional TC activity, including simulating too few TCs in the North Atlantic. The regional biases in TC activity are associated with simulation biases in the large-scale environment such as sea surface temperature, vertical wind shear, and vertical velocity. Despite these biases, the model simulates the large-scale variations of TC activity induced by El Nino/Southern Oscillation fairly realistically.
The response of TC activity in the model to global warming is investigated by comparing the present climate with a CO2 doubling experiment. Globally, TC frequency decreases (-19%) while the intensity increases (+2.7%) in response to CO2 doubling, consistent with previous studies. The average TC lifetime decreases by -4.6%, while the TC size and rainfall increase by about 3% and 12%, respectively. These changes are generally reproduced across the different basins in terms of the sign of the change, although the percent changes vary from basin to basin and within individual basins. For the Atlantic basin, although there is an overall reduction in frequency from CO2 doubling, the warmed climate exhibits increased interannual hurricane frequency variability so that the simulated Atlantic TC activity is enhanced more during unusually warm years in the CO2-warmed climate relative to that in unusually warm years in the control climate.
Kirtman, Ben P., and Anthony Rosati, et al., April 2014: The North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME): Phase-1 Seasonal to Interannual Prediction, Phase-2 Toward Developing Intra-Seasonal Prediction. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95(4), DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00050.1. Abstract
The recent US National Academies report “Assessment of Intraseasonal to Interannual Climate Prediction and Predictability” was unequivocal in recommending the need for the development of a North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) operational predictive capability. Indeed, this effort is required to meet the specific tailored regional prediction and decision support needs of a large community of climate information users.
The multi-model ensemble approach has proven extremely effective at quantifying prediction uncertainty due to uncertainty in model formulation, and has proven to produce better prediction quality (on average) then any single model ensemble. This multi-model approach is the basis for several international collaborative prediction research efforts, an operational European system and there are numerous examples of how this multi-model ensemble approach yields superior forecasts compared to any single model.
Based on two NOAA Climate Test Bed (CTB) NMME workshops (February 18, and April 8, 2011) a collaborative and coordinated implementation strategy for a NMME prediction system has been developed and is currently delivering real-time seasonal-to-interannual predictions on the NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) operational schedule. The hindcast and real-time prediction data is readily available (e.g., and in graphical format from CPC Moreover, the NMME forecast are already currently being used as guidance for operational forecasters. This paper describes the new NMME effort, presents an overview of the multi-model forecast quality, and the complementary skill associated with individual models.
This paper provides an update on research in the relatively new and fast moving field of decadal climate prediction, and addresses the use of decadal climate predictions not only for potential users of such information but also for improving our understanding of processes in the climate system. External forcing influences the predictions throughout, but their contributions to predictive skill become dominant after most of the improved skill from initialization with observations vanishes after about six to nine years. Recent multi-model results suggest that there is relatively more decadal predictive skill in the North Atlantic, western Pacific, and Indian Oceans than in other regions of the world oceans. Aspects of decadal variability of SSTs, like the mid-1970s shift in the Pacific, the mid-1990s shift in the northern North Atlantic and western Pacific, and the early-2000s hiatus, are better represented in initialized hindcasts compared to uninitialized simulations. There is evidence of higher skill in initialized multi-model ensemble decadal hindcasts than in single model results, with multi-model initialized predictions for near term climate showing somewhat less global warming than uninitialized simulations. Some decadal hindcasts have shown statistically reliable predictions of surface temperature over various land and ocean regions for lead times of up to 6–9 years, but this needs to be investigated in a wider set of models. As in the early days of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) prediction, improvements to models will reduce the need for bias adjustment, and increase the reliability, and thus usefulness, of decadal climate predictions in the future.
Decadal prediction experiments were conducted as part of CMIP5 using the GFDL-CM2.1 forecast system. The abrupt warming of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre (SPG) that was observed in the mid 1990s is considered as a case study to evaluate our forecast capabilities and better understand the reasons for the observed changes. Initializing the CM2.1 coupled system produces high skill in retrospectively predicting the mid-90s shift, which is not captured by the uninitialized forecasts. All the hindcasts initialized in the early 90s show a warming of the SPG, however, only the ensemble mean hindcasts initialized in 1995 and 1996 are able to reproduce the observed abrupt warming and the associated decrease and contraction of the SPG. Examination of the physical mechanisms responsible for the successful retrospective predictions indicates that initializing the ocean is key to predict the mid 90s warming. The successful initialized forecasts show an increased Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and North Atlantic current transport, which drive an increased advection of warm saline subtropical waters northward, leading to a westward shift of the subpolar front and subsequently a warming and spin down of the SPG. Significant seasonal climate impacts are predicted as the SPG warms, including a reduced sea-ice concentration over the Arctic, an enhanced warming over central US during summer and fall, and a northward shift of the mean ITCZ. These climate anomalies are similar to those observed during a warm phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, which is encouraging for future predictions of North Atlantic climate.
In our original paper (Vecchi et al., 2013, hereafter V13) we stated “the skill in the initialized forecasts comes in large part from the persistence of the mid-1990s shift by the initialized forecasts, rather than from predicting its evolution”. Smith et al (2013, hereafter S13) challenge that assertion, contending that DePreSys was able to make a successful retrospective forecast of that shift. We stand by our original assertion, and present additional analyses using output from DePreSys retrospective forecasts to support our assessment.
Tropical cyclones (TCs) are a hazard to life and property and a prominent element of the global climate system, therefore understanding and predicting TC location, intensity and frequency is of both societal and scientific significance. Methodologies exist to predict basin-wide, seasonally-aggregated TC activity months, seasons and even years in advance. We show that a newly developed high-resolution global climate model can produce skillful forecasts of seasonal TC activity on spatial scales finer than basin-wide, from months and seasons in advance of the TC season. The climate model used here is targeted at predicting regional climate and the statistics of weather extremes on seasonal to decadal timescales, and is comprised of high-resolution (50km×50km) atmosphere and land components, and more moderate resolution (~100km) sea ice and ocean components. The simulation of TC climatology and interannual variations in this climate model is substantially improved by correcting systematic ocean biases through “flux-adjustment.” We perform a suite of 12-month duration retrospective forecasts over the 1981-2012 period, after initializing the climate model to observationally-constrained conditions at the start of each forecast period – using both the standard and flux-adjusted versions of the model. The standard and flux-adjusted forecasts exhibit equivalent skill at predicting Northern Hemisphere TC season sea surface temperature, but the flux-adjusted model exhibits substantially improved basin-wide and regional TC activity forecasts, highlighting the role of systematic biases in limiting the quality of TC forecasts. These results suggest that dynamical forecasts of seasonally-aggregated regional TC activity months in advance are feasible.
We investigate the influence of ocean component resolution on simulation of climate sensitivity using variants of the GFDL CM2.5 climate model incorporating eddy-resolving (1/10o) and eddy-parameterizing (1o) ocean resolutions. Two parameterization configurations of the coarse-resolution model are used yielding a three-model suite with significant variation in the transient climate response (TCR). The variation of TCR in this suite and in an enhanced group of 10 GFDL models is found to be strongly associated with the control climate Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) magnitude and its decline under forcing. We find it is the AMOC behavior rather than resolution per se that accounts for most of the TCR differences. A smaller difference in TCR stems from the eddy-resolving model having more Southern Ocean surface warming than the coarse models.
Observations and climate simulations exhibit epochs of extreme El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) behavior that can persist for decades. Previous studies have revealed a wide range of ENSO responses to forcings from greenhouse gases, aerosols, and orbital variations – but they have also shown that interdecadal modulation of ENSO can arise even without such forcings. The present study examines the predictability of this intrinsically-generated component of ENSO modulation, using a 4000-year unforced control run from a global coupled GCM (GFDL-CM2.1) with a fairly realistic representation of ENSO. Extreme ENSO epochs from the unforced simulation are reforecast using the same (“perfect”) model, but slightly-perturbed initial conditions. These 40-member reforecast ensembles display potential predictability of the ENSO trajectory, extending up to several years ahead. However, no decadal-scale predictability of ENSO behavior is found. This indicates that multidecadal epochs of extreme ENSO behavior can arise not only intrinsically, but delicately, and entirely at random. Previous work had shown that CM2.1 generates strong, reasonably-realistic, decadally-predictable high-latitude climate signals, as well as tropical and extratropical decadal signals that interact with ENSO. However, those slow variations appear not to lend significant decadal predictability to this model’s ENSO behavior, at least in the absence of external forcings. While the potential implications of these results are sobering for decadal predictability, they also suggest an expedited approach to model evaluation and development – in which large ensembles of short runs are executed in parallel, to quickly and robustly evaluate simulations of ENSO. Further implications are discussed for decadal prediction, attribution of past and future ENSO variations, and societal vulnerability.
Given a biased coupled model and the atmospheric and oceanic observing system, how to maintain balanced and coherent climate estimation is of critical importance for producing accurate climate analysis and prediction initialization. However, due to limitation of the observing system (most of the oceanic measurements are only available for the upper ocean, for instance), directly evaluating climate estimation with real observations is difficult. With two coupled models which are biased with respect to each other, a “biased” twin experiment is designed to simulate the problem. To do that, the atmospheric and oceanic “observations” drawn from one model based on the modern climate observing system are assimilated into the other. The model that produces “observations” serves as the “truth” and the degree by which an assimilation recovers the “truth” steadily and coherently is an assessment of the impact of the data constraint scheme on climate estimation. Given the assimilation model bias of warmer atmosphere and colder ocean, while the atmospheric-only (oceanic-only) data constraint produces an over-cooling (over-warming) ocean through the atmosphere-ocean interaction, the constraints with both atmospheric and oceanic data create a balanced and coherent ocean estimate as the observational model. Moreover, the consistent atmosphere-ocean constraint produces the most accurate estimate for North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), while NADW is too strong (weak) as the system is only constrained by atmospheric (oceanic) data. These twin experiment results provide insights that consistent data constraints of multiple components are very important when a coupled model is combined with the climate observing system for climate estimation and prediction initialization.
The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory has developed an ensemble coupled data assimilation (ECDA) system based on the fully coupled climate model, CM2.1, in order to provide reanalyzed coupled initial conditions that are balanced with the climate prediction model. Here, we conduct a comprehensive assessment for the oceanic variability from the latest version of the ECDA analyzed for 51 years, 1960–2010. Meridional oceanic heat transport, net ocean surface heat flux, wind stress, sea surface height, top 300 m heat content, tropical temperature, salinity and currents are compared with various in situ observations and reanalyses by employing similar configurations with the assessment of the NCEP’s climate forecast system reanalysis (Xue et al. in Clim Dyn 37(11):2511–2539, 2011). Results show that the ECDA agrees well with observations in both climatology and variability for 51 years. For the simulation of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean and global salinity variability, the ECDA shows a good performance compared to existing reanalyses. The ECDA also shows no significant drift in the deep ocean temperature and salinity. While systematic model biases are mostly corrected with the coupled data assimilation, some biases (e.g., strong trade winds, weak westerly winds and warm SST in the southern oceans, subsurface temperature and salinity biases along the equatorial western Pacific boundary, overestimating the mixed layer depth around the subpolar Atlantic and high-latitude southern oceans in the winter seasons) are not completely eliminated. Mean biases such as strong South Equatorial Current, weak Equatorial Under Current, and weak Atlantic overturning transport are generated during the assimilation procedure, but their variabilities are well simulated. In terms of climate variability, the ECDA provides good simulations of the dominant oceanic signals associated with El Nino and Southern Oscillation, Indian Ocean Dipole, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the whole analyzed period, 1960–2010.
Response of climate conditions in the Atlantic Hurricane Main Development Region (MDR) to doubling of atmospheric CO2 has been explored, using the new high-resolution coupled Climate Model version 2.5 developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL-CM2.5). In the annual mean, the SST in the MDR warms by about 2°C in the CO2 doubling run relative to the Control run, the trade winds become weaker in the northern tropical Atlantic, and the rainfall increases over the ITCZ and its northern region. The amplitude of the annual cycle of the SST over the MDR is not significantly changed by CO2 doubling. However, we find that the interannual variations show significant responses to CO2 doubling: the seasonal maximum peak of the interannual variations of the SST over the MDR is about 25% stronger than in the Control run. The enhancement of the interannual variations of the SST in the MDR is due to changes in effectiveness of the Wind-Evaporation-SST (WES) positive feedback: WES remains a positive feedback until boreal early summer in the CO2 doubling run. The enhancement of the interannual variability of the SST over the MDR in boreal early summer due to CO2 doubling could lead to serious damages associated with the Atlantic Hurricane count and drought (or flood) in the Sahel and South America in a future climate.
The impact of climate warming on the upper layer of the Bering Sea is investigated by using a high-resolution coupled global climate model. The model is forced by increasing atmospheric CO2 at a rate of 1% per year until CO2 reaches double its initial value (after 70 years), after which it is held constant. In response to this forcing, the upper layer of the Bering Sea warms by about 2�C in the southeastern shelf and by a little more than 1�C in the western basin. The wintertime ventilation to the permanent thermocline weakens in the western Bering Sea. After CO2 doubling, the southeastern shelf of the Bering Sea becomes almost ice-free in March, and the stratification of the upper layer strengthens in May and June. Changes of physical condition due to the climate warming would impact the pre-condition of spring bio-productivity in the southeastern shelf.
Msadek, Rym, W E Johns, Stephen G Yeager, Gokhan Danabasoglu, Thomas L Delworth, and Anthony Rosati, June 2013: The Atlantic Meridional Heat transport at 26.5° N and its relationship with the MOC in the RAPID array and the GFDL and NCAR coupled models. Journal of Climate, 26(12), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00081.1. Abstract
The link at 26.5° N between the Atlantic meridional heat transport (MHT) and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC) is investigated in two climate models, GFDL CM2.1 and NCAR CCSM4, and compared with the recent observational estimates from the RAPID-MOCHA array. Despite a stronger than observed MOC magnitude, both models underestimate the mean MHT at 26.5° N due to an overly diffuse thermocline. Biases result from errors in both overturning and gyre components of the MHT. The observed linear relationship between MHT and MOC at 26.5° N is realistically simulated by the two models and is mainly due to the overturning component of the MHT. Fluctuations in overturning MHT are dominated by Ekman transport variability in CM2.1 and CCSM4, whereas baroclinic geostrophic transport variability plays a larger role in RAPID. CCSM4 which has a parameterization of Nordic Sea overflows and thus a more realistic North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) penetration shows smaller biases in the overturning heat transport than CM2.1 due to deeper NADW at colder temperatures. The horizontal gyre heat transport and its sensitivity to the MOC are poorly represented in both models. The wind-driven gyre heat transport is northward in observations at 26.5° N whereas it is weakly southward in both models, reducing the total MHT. We emphasize model biases that are responsible for the too weak MHT, particularly at the western boundary. The use of direct MHT observations through RAPID allows us to identify the source of the too weak MHT in the two models, a bias shared by a number of CMIP5 coupled models.
We present the first climate prediction of the coming decade made with multiple models, initialized with prior observations. This prediction accrues from an international activity to exchange decadal predictions in near real-time, in order to assess differences and similarities, provide a consensus view to prevent over-confidence in forecasts from any single model, and establish current collective capability. We stress that the forecast is experimental, since the skill of the multi-model system is as yet unknown. Nevertheless, the forecast systems used here are based on models that have undergone rigorous evaluation and individually have been evaluated for forecast skill. Moreover, it is important to publish forecasts to enable open evaluation, and to provide a focus on climate change in the coming decade. Initialized forecasts of the year 2011 agree well with observations, with a pattern correlation of 0.62 compared to 0.31 for uninitialized projections. In particular, the forecast correctly predicted La Niña in the Pacific, and warm conditions in the north Atlantic and USA. A similar pattern is predicted for 2012 but with a weaker La Niña. Indices of Atlantic multi-decadal variability and Pacific decadal variability show no signal beyond climatology after 2015, while temperature in the Niño3 region is predicted to warm slightly by about 0.5 °C over the coming decade. However, uncertainties are large for individual years and initialization has little impact beyond the first 4 years in most regions. Relative to uninitialized forecasts, initialized forecasts are significantly warmer in the north Atlantic sub-polar gyre and cooler in the north Pacific throughout the decade. They are also significantly cooler in the global average and over most land and ocean regions out to several years ahead. However, in the absence of volcanic eruptions, global temperature is predicted to continue to rise, with each year from 2013 onwards having a 50 % chance of exceeding the current observed record. Verification of these forecasts will provide an important opportunity to test the performance of models and our understanding and knowledge of the drivers of climate change.
Retrospective predictions of multi-year North Atlantic hurricane frequency are explored, by applying a hybrid statistical-dynamical forecast system to initialized and non-initialized multi-year forecasts of tropical Atlantic and tropical mean sea surface temperatures (SSTs) from two global climate model forecast systems. By accounting for impacts of initialization and radiative forcing, retrospective predictions of five-year mean and nine-year mean tropical Atlantic hurricane frequency show significant correlation relative to a null hypothesis of zero correlation. The retrospective correlations are increased in a two-model average forecast and by using a lagged-ensemble approach, with the two-model ensemble decadal forecasts hurricane frequency over 1961-2011 yielding correlation coefficients that approach 0.9.
These encouraging retrospective multi-year hurricane predictions, however, should be interpreted with care: although initialized forecasts have higher nominal skill than uninitialized ones, the relatively short record and large autocorrelation of the time series limits our confidence in distinguishing between the skill due to external forcing and that added by initialization. The nominal increase in correlation in the initialized forecasts relative to the uninitialized experiments is due to improved representation of the multi-year tropical Atlantic SST anomalies. The skill in the initialized forecasts comes in large part from the persistence of a mid-1990s shift by the initialized forecasts, rather than from predicting its evolution. Predicting shifts like that observed in 1994-1995 remains a critical issue for the success of multi-year forecasts of Atlantic hurricane frequency. The retrospective forecasts highlight the possibility that changes in observing system impact forecast performance.
Observational information has a strong geographic
dependence that may directly influence the quality of
parameter estimation in a coupled climate system. Using an
intermediate atmosphere-ocean-land coupled model, the
impact of geographic dependent observing system on
parameter estimation is explored within a ‘‘twin’’ experiment
framework. The ‘‘observations’’ produced by a ‘‘truth’’
model are assimilated into an assimilation model in which
the most sensitive model parameter has a different geographic
structure from the ‘‘truth’’, for retrieving the ‘‘truth’’
geographic structure of the parameter. To examine the
influence of data-sparse areas on parameter estimation, the
twin experiment is also performed with an observing system
in which the observations in some area are removed. Results
show that traditional single-valued parameter estimation
(SPE) attains a global mean of the ‘‘truth’’, while geographic
dependent parameter optimization (GPO) can retrieve the
‘‘truth’’ structure of the parameter and therefore significantly
improves estimated states and model predictability. This is
especially true when an observing system with data-void
areas is applied, where the error of state estimate is reduced
by 31 % and the corresponding forecast skill is doubled by
GPO compared with SPE.
The decadal predictability of sea surface temperature (SST) and 2m air temperature (T2m) in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)'s decadal hindcasts, which are part of the Fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project experiments, has been investigated using an average predictability time (APT) analysis. Comparison of retrospective forecasts initialized using the GFDL's Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation system with uninitialized historical forcing simulations using the same model, allows identification of internal multidecadal pattern (IMP) for SST and T2m. The IMP of SST is characterized by an inter-hemisphere dipole, with warm anomalies centered in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre region and North Pacific subpolar gyre region, and cold anomalies centered in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current region. The IMP of T2m is characterized by a general bi-polar seesaw, with warm anomalies centered in Greenland, and cold anomalies centered in Antarctica. The retrospective prediction skill of the initialized system, verified against independent observations, indicates that the IMP of SST may be predictable up to 4 (10) year lead time at 95% (90%) significance level, and the IMP of T2m may be predictable up to 2 (10) years at 95% (90%) significance level. The initialization of multidecadal variations of northward oceanic heat transport in the North Atlantic significantly improves the predictive skill of the IMP. The dominant roles of oceanic internal dynamics in decadal prediction are further elucidated by fixed-forcing experiments, in which radiative forcing is returned to 1961 values. These results point towards the possibility of meaningful decadal climate outlooks using dynamical coupled models, if they are appropriately initialized from a sustained climate observing system.
The non-Gaussian probability distribution of sea-ice concentration makes difficulties for directly assimilating sea-ice observations into a climate model. Because of the strong impact of the atmospheric and oceanic forcing on the sea-ice state, any direct assimilation adjustment on sea-ice states is easily overridden by model physics.A new approach implements sea-ice data assimilation in enthalpy space where a sea-ice model represents a nonlinear function that transforms a positive-definite space into the sea-ice concentration subspace.Results from observation-assimilation experiments using a conceptual pycnocline prediction model that characterizes the influences of sea-ice on the decadal variability of the climate system show that the new scheme efficiently assimilates “sea-ice observations” into the model – while improving “sea-ice” variability itself, it consistently improves the estimates of all “climate” components.The resulted coupled initialization that is physically consistent among all coupled components significantly improves decadal-scale predictability of the coupled model.
Identifying the prime drivers of the twentieth-century multidecadal variability in the Atlantic Ocean is crucial for predicting how the Atlantic will evolve in the coming decades and the resulting broad impacts on weather and precipitation patterns around the globe. Recently Booth et al (2012) showed that the HadGEM2-ES climate model closely reproduces the observed multidecadal variations of area-averaged North Atlantic sea surface temperature in the 20th century. The multidecadal variations simulated in HadGEM2-ES are primarily driven by aerosol indirect effects that modify net surface shortwave radiation. On the basis of these results, Booth et al (2012) concluded that aerosols are a prime driver of twentieth-century North Atlantic climate variability. However, here it is shown that there are major discrepancies between the HadGEM2-ES simulations and observations in the North Atlantic upper ocean heat content, in the spatial pattern of multidecadal SST changes within and outside the North Atlantic, and in the subpolar North Atlantic sea surface salinity. These discrepancies may be strongly influenced by, and indeed in large part caused by, aerosol effects. It is also shown that the aerosol effects simulated in HadGEM2-ES cannot account for the observed anti-correlation between detrended multidecadal surface and subsurface temperature variations in the tropical North Atlantic. These discrepancies cast considerable doubt on the claim that aerosol forcing drives the bulk of this multidecadal variability.
Brantstator, G, H Teng, Gerald A Meehl, , J R Knight, M Latif, and Anthony Rosati, March 2012: Systematic estimates of initial-value decadal predictability for six AOGCMs. Journal of Climate, 25(6), DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00227.1. Abstract
Initial-value predictability measures the degree to which the initial state can influence predictions. In this
paper, the initial-value predictability of six atmosphere–ocean general circulation models in the North Pacific
and North Atlantic is quantified and contrasted by analyzing long control integrations with time invariant
external conditions. Through the application of analog and multivariate linear regression methodologies,
average predictability properties are estimated for forecasts initiated from every state on the control trajectories.
For basinwide measures of predictability, the influence of the initial state tends to last for roughly
a decade in both basins, but this limit varies widely among the models, especially in the North Atlantic. Within
each basin, predictability varies regionally by as much as a factor of 10 for a given model, and the locations of
highest predictability are different for each model. Model-to-model variations in predictability are also seen
in the behavior of prominent intrinsic basin modes. Predictability is primarily determined by the mean of
forecast distributions rather than the spread about the mean. Horizontal propagation plays a large role in the
evolution of these signals and is therefore a key factor in differentiating the predictability of the variousmodels.
We present results for simulated climate and climate change from a newly developed high-resolution global climate model (GFDL CM2.5). The GFDL CM2.5 model has an atmospheric resolution of approximately 50 Km in the horizontal, with 32 vertical levels. The horizontal resolution in the ocean ranges from 28 Km in the tropics to 8 Km at high latitudes, with 50 vertical levels. This resolution allows the explicit simulation of some mesoscale eddies in the ocean, particularly at lower latitudes.
We present analyses based on the output of a 280 year control simulation; we also present results based on a 140 year simulation in which atmospheric CO2 increases at 1% per year until doubling after 70 years.
Results are compared to the GFDL CM2.1 climate model, which has somewhat similar physics but coarser resolution. The simulated climate in CM2.5 shows marked improvement over many regions, especially the tropics, including a reduction in the double ITCZ and an improved simulation of ENSO. Regional precipitation features are much improved. The Indian monsoon and Amazonian rainfall are also substantially more realistic in CM2.5.
The response of CM2.5 to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 has many features in common with CM2.1, with some notable differences. For example, rainfall changes over the Mediterranean appear to be tightly linked to topography in CM2.5, in contrast to CM2.1 where the response is more spatially homogeneous. In addition, in CM2.5 the near-surface ocean warms substantially in the high latitudes of the Southern Ocean, in contrast to simulations using CM2.1.
Using two fully coupled ocean-atmosphere models of CM2.1 (the Climate Model version 2.1 developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) and CM2.5 (a new high-resolution climate model based on CM2.1), the characteristics and sources of SST and precipitation biases associated with the Atlantic ITCZ have been investigated.
CM2.5 has an improved simulation of the annual mean and the annual cycle of the rainfall over the Sahel and the northern South America, while CM2.1 shows excessive Sahel rainfall and lack of northern South America rainfall in boreal summer. This marked improvement in CM2.5 is due to not only high-resolved orography, but also a significant reduction of biases in the seasonal meridional migration of the ITCZ. In particular, the seasonal northward migration of the ITCZ in boreal summer is coupled to the seasonal variation of the SST and a subsurface doming of the thermocline in the northeastern tropical Atlantic, known as the Guinea Dome. Improvements in the ITCZ allow for better representation of the coupled processes that are important for an abrupt seasonally phase-locked decay of the interannual SST anomaly in the northern tropical Atlantic.
Nevertheless, the differences between CM2.5 and CM2.1 were not sufficient to reduce the warm SST biases in the eastern equatorial region and Angola-Benguela Area. The weak bias of southerly winds along the southwestern African coast associated with the excessive southward migration bias of the ITCZ may be a key to improve the warm SST biases there.
Matei et al. (Reports, 6 January 2012, p. 76) claim to show skillful multiyear predictions of the
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). However, these claims are not justified,
primarily because the predictions of AMOC transport do not outperform simple reference forecasts
based on climatological annual cycles. Accordingly, there is no justification for the "confident"
prediction of a stable AMOC through 2014.
Due to the geographic dependence of model sensitivities and observing systems, allowing optimized parameter values to vary geographically may significantly enhance the signal in parameter estimation. Using an intermediate atmosphere-ocean-land coupled model, the impact of geographic dependence of model sensitivities on parameter optimization is explored within a twin experiment framework. The coupled model consists of a 1-layer global barotropic atmosphere model, a 1.5-layer baroclinic ocean including a slab mixed layer with simulated upwelling by a streamfunction equation and a simple land model. The assimilation model is biased by erroneously setting the values of all model parameters. Four most sensitive parameters identified by sensitivity studies are used to perform traditional single-value parameter estimation and new geographic dependent parameter optimization. Results show that the new parameter optimization significantly improves the quality of state estimates compared to the traditional scheme, with reductions of root mean square errors as 41%, 23%, 62% and 59% for the atmospheric streamfunction, the oceanic streamfunction, sea surface temperature and land surface temperature respectively. Consistently, the new parameter optimization greatly improves the model predictability due to the improvement of initial conditions and the enhancement of observational signals in optimized parameters. These results suggest that the proposed geographic dependent parameter optimization scheme may provide a new perspective when a coupled general circulation model is used for climate estimation and prediction.
Xue, Y, and Anthony Rosati, et al., October 2012: A Comparative Analysis of Upper-Ocean Heat Content Variability from an Ensemble of Operational Ocean Reanalyses. Journal of Climate, 25(20), DOI:10.1175/jcli-d-11-00542.1. Abstract
Ocean heat content (HC) is one of the key indicators of climate variability and also provides ocean memory critical for seasonal and decadal predictions. The availability of multiple operational ocean analyses (ORAs) now routinely produced around the world is an opportunity for estimation of uncertainties in HC analysis and development of ensemble-based operational HC climate indices. In this context, the spread across the ORAs is used to quantify uncertainties in HC analysis and the ensemble mean of ORAs to identify, and to monitor, climate signals. Toward this goal, this study analyzed 10 ORAs, two objective analyses based on in situ data only, and eight model analyses based on ocean data assimilation systems. The mean, annual cycle, interannual variability, and long-term trend of HC in the upper 300 m (HC300) from 1980 to 2009 are compared.
The spread across HC300 analyses generally decreased with time and reached a minimum in the early 2000s when the Argo data became available. There was a good correspondence between the increase of data counts and reduction of the spread. The agreement of HC300 anomalies among different ORAs, measured by the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), is generally high in the tropical Pacific, tropical Indian Ocean, North Pacific, and North Atlantic but low in the tropical Atlantic and extratropical southern oceans where observations are very sparse. A set of climate indices was derived as HC300 anomalies averaged over the areas where the covariability between SST and HC300 represents the major climate modes such as ENSO, Indian Ocean dipole, Atlantic Niño, Pacific decadal oscillation, and Atlantic multidecadal oscillation.
Uncertainties in physical parameters of coupled models are an important source of model bias and adversely impact initialisation for climate prediction. Data assimilation using error covariances derived from model dynamics to extract observational information provides a promising approach to optimise parameter values so as to reduce such bias. However, effective parameter estimation in a coupled model is usually difficult because the error covariance between a parameter and the model state tends to be noisy due to multiple sources of model uncertainties. Using a simple coupled model consisting of the 3-variable Lorenz model and a slowly varying slab ‘ocean’, this study first investigated how to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio in covariances between model states and parameters, and then designed a data assimilation scheme for enhancive parameter correction (DAEPC). In DAEPC, parameter estimation is facilitated after state estimation reaches a ‘quasiequilibrium’ where the uncertainty of coupled model states is sufficiently constrained by observations so that the covariance between a parameter and the model state is signal dominant. The observation-updated parameters are applied to improving the next cycle of state estimation and the refined covariance of parameter and model state further improves parameter correction. Performing dynamically adaptive state and parameter estimations with speedy convergence, DAEPC provides a systematic way to estimate the whole array of coupled model parameters using observations, and produces more accurate state estimates. Forecast experiments show that the DAEPC initialisation with observation-estimated parameters greatly improves the model predictability - while valid ‘atmospheric’ forecasts are extended two times longer, the ‘oceanic’ predictability is almost tripled. The simple model results here provide some insights for improving climate estimation and prediction with a coupled general circulation model.
Chang, You-Soon, Anthony Rosati, and Shaoqing Zhang, February 2011: A construction of pseudo salinity profiles for the global ocean: Method and evaluation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 116, C02002, DOI:10.1029/2010JC006386. Abstract
This study demonstrates a reconstruction of salinity profiles for the global ocean
for the period 1993-2008. All available T-S profiles from the GTSPP and Argo data are
divided in two subsets; one half used for producing the vertical coupled T-S EOF modes
and the other for the verification. We employ a weighted least square method that
minimizes the misfits between the predetermined EOF structures and independent
observed temperature and altimetry data. Verification shows that the South Indian and
North Atlantic Oceans maintain good correlations to 900 m depth between the observed
and reconstructed salinity with altimetry data. Meanwhile, the Pacific and Antarctic
Oceans below 500 m show significant negative correlations, which is associated with the
relationship between steric height and salinity variability in these basins. In order to
guarantee general agreements with observations for all ocean depths, we calculate a
regional correlation index considering the impact of altimetry data and employ it for our
final products. Except for the surface ocean, the pseudo salinity profiles show general
improvements compared to the existing climatology and the reanalysis outputs from the
GFDL’s ensemble coupled data assimilation system. Near the surface layer, reanalysis
outputs show a relatively high performance due to the coupling between the atmosphere
and ocean. Assimilation system produces reliable surface flux variability not accounted
for the construction of the global pseudo salinity profiles. These results encourage the
application of the global pseudo salinity profiles into an assimilation system for the 20th
century when the observed salinity data are sparse.
Chang, You-Soon, Shaoqing Zhang, and Anthony Rosati, July 2011: Improvement of salinity representation in an ensemble coupled data assimilation system using pseudo salinity profiles. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L13609, DOI:10.1029/2011GL048064. Abstract
The scarcity of salinity observations prior to the Argo period makes it tremendously
difficult to estimate ocean states. By using the so-called pseudo salinity profiles constructed from
temperature and altimetry information, here we show the improvement of salinity representation
estimated by the ensemble coupled data assimilation system of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Laboratory. The comparisons with climatology and independent observations show that the
pseudo salinity data considerably improve the assimilation skill for the pre-Argo period (1993-
2001). For the Argo period (2002-2007), there is little degradation of the assimilation skill using
pseudo salinity instead of Argo observations. This result ensures the robustness of the new
assimilation fields with pseudo salinity for the pre-Argo period when salinity observations are
sparse. We also suggest that the interannual variability of the existing reanalysis products could
suffer from erroneously-estimated discontinuities due to the non-stationary nature of the salinity
observing system.
Recent studies have suggested that the leading modes of North Atlantic subsurface temperature (Tsub) and sea surface height (SSH) anomalies are induced by Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) variations and can be used as fingerprints of AMOC variability. Based on these fingerprints of the AMOC in the GFDL CM2.1 coupled climate model, a linear statistical predictive model of observed fingerprints of AMOC variability is developed in this study. The statistical model predicts a weakening of AMOC strength in a few years after its peak around 2005. Here, we show that in the GFDL coupled climate model assimilated with observed subsurface temperature data, including recent Argo network data (2003–2008), the leading mode of the North Atlantic Tsub anomalies is similar to that found with the objectively analyzed Tsub data and highly correlated with the leading mode of altimetry SSH anomalies for the period 1993–2008. A statistical auto-regressive (AR) model is fit to the time-series of the leading mode of objectively analyzed detrended North Atlantic Tsub anomalies (1955–2003) and is applied to assimilated Tsub and altimetry SSH anomalies to make predictions. A similar statistical AR model, fit to the time-series of the leading mode of modeled Tsub anomalies from the 1000-year GFDL CM2.1 control simulation, is applied to predict modeled Tsub, SSH, and AMOC anomalies. The two AR models show comparable skills in predicting observed Tsub and modeled Tsub, SSH and AMOC variations.
Mehta, V M., and Anthony Rosati, et al., May 2011: Decadal climate predictability and prediction: Where are we?Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92(5), DOI:10.1175/2010BAMS3025.1.
Skillfully predicting North Atlantic hurricane activity months in advance is of potential
societal significance and a useful test of our understanding of the factors controlling
hurricane activity. We describe a statistical-dynamical hurricane forecasting system,
based on a statistical hurricane model, with explicit uncertainty estimates, built from a
suite of high-resolution global atmospheric dynamical model integrations spanning a
broad range of climate states. The statistical model uses two climate predictors: the sea
surface temperature (SST) in the tropical North Atlantic and SST averaged over the
global tropics. The choice of predictors is motivated by physical considerations, results of
high-resolution hurricane modeling and of statistical modeling of the observed record.
The statistical hurricane model is applied to a suite of initialized dynamical global
climate model forecasts of SST to predict North Atlantic hurricane frequency, which
peaks in the August-October season, from different starting dates. Retrospective forecasts
of the 1982-2009 period indicate that skillful predictions can be made from as early as
November of the previous year – that is, skillful forecasts for the coming North Atlantic
hurricane season could be made as the current one is closing. Based on forecasts
initialized between November 2009 and March 2010, the model system predicts that the
upcoming 2010 North Atlantic hurricane season will likely be more active than the 1982-
2009 climatology, with the forecasts initialized in March 2010 predicting an expected
hurricane count of eight and a 50% probability of counts between six (the 1966-2009
median) and nine.
The sensitivity of the North Atlantic Ocean Circulation to an abrupt change in the Nordic Sea overflow is investigated for the first time using a high resolution eddy-permitting global coupled ocean-atmosphere model (GFDL CM2.5). The Nordic Sea overflow is perturbed through the change of the bathymetry in GFDL CM2.5. We analyze the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) adjustment process and the downstream oceanic response to the perturbation. The results suggest that north of 34N, AMOC changes induced by changes in the Nordic Sea overflow propagate on the slow tracer advection time scale, instead of the fast Kelvin wave time scale, resulting in a time lead of several years between subpolar and subtropical AMOC changes. The results also show that a stronger and deeper-penetrating Nordic Sea overflow leads to stronger and deeper AMOC, stronger northward ocean heat transport, reduced Labrador Sea deep convection, stronger cyclonic Northern Recirculation Gyre (NRG), westward shift of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and southward shift of the Gulf Stream, warmer sea surface temperature (SST) east of Newfoundland and colder SST south of the Grand Banks, stronger and deeper NAC and Gulf Stream, and stronger oceanic eddy activities along the NAC and the Gulf Stream paths. A stronger/weaker Nordic Sea overflow also leads to a contracted/expanded subpolar gyre (SPG). This sensitivity study points to the important role of the Nordic Sea overflow in the large scale North Atlantic ocean circulation, and it is crucial for climate models to have a correct representation of the Nordic Sea overflow.
Based on independent observations, we estimate the sea level budget and linear trends for individual ocean basins and the world ocean during 2004–2007. Even though it is confirmed that the seasonal variation of global sea level is balanced by the different sea level components (total sea level change from satellite altimetry equals to the sum of the steric height contribution obtained by Argo profiles and any variability in ocean mass observed from GRACE), basin-scale sea level budgets show very different characteristics. Sea level budgets over the South Pacific and Antarctic Ocean maintain a good balance both on seasonal to interannual time scales. Meanwhile, only the satellite altimeter data exhibits a large 4-year trend over the South Indian Ocean. This basin significantly impacts the magnitude of the disagreement for the global sea level budget. Large differences among the 3 different gravity fields related to the hydrologic signals in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean could be one of the major causes of the imbalance in the global sea level budget.
Simulations from a fine-resolution global coupled model, the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Climate Model, version 2.4 (CM2.4), are presented, and the results are compared with a coarse version of the
same coupled model, CM2.1, under idealized climate change scenarios. A particular focus is given to the
dynamical response of the Southern Ocean and the role played by the eddies—parameterized or permitted—
in setting the residual circulation and meridional density structure. Compared to the case in which eddies are
parameterized and consistent with recent observational and idealized modeling studies, the eddy-permitting
integrations of CM2.4 show that eddy activity is greatly energized with increasing mechanical and buoyancy
forcings, buffering the ocean to atmospheric changes, and the magnitude of the residual oceanic circulation
response is thus greatly reduced. Although compensation is far from being perfect, changes in poleward eddy
fluxes partially compensate for the enhanced equatorward Ekman transport, leading to weak modifications in
local isopycnal slopes, transport by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and overturning circulation. Since the
presence of active ocean eddy dynamics buffers the oceanic response to atmospheric changes, the associated
atmospheric response to those reduced ocean changes is also weakened. Further, it is hypothesized that
present numerical approaches for the parameterization of eddy-induced transports could be too restrictive
and prevent coarse-resolution models from faithfully representing the eddy response to variability and change
in the forcing fields.
Lee, June-Yi, Bin Wang, I-S Kang, J Shukla, Arun Kumar, Jong-Seong Kug, C E Schemm, J-J Luo, T Yamagata, X Fu, Oscar Alves, William F Stern, Anthony Rosati, and C-K Park, August 2010: How are seasonal prediction skills related to models’ performance on mean state and annual cycle?Climate Dynamics, 35(2-3), DOI:10.1007/s00382-010-0857-4. Abstract
Given observed initial conditions, how well do coupled atmosphere–ocean models predict precipitation climatology with 1-month lead forecast? And how do the models’ biases in climatology in turn affect prediction of seasonal anomalies? We address these questions based on analysis of 1-month lead retrospective predictions for 21 years of 1981–2001 made by 13 state-of-the-art coupled climate models and their multi-model ensemble (MME). The evaluation of the precipitation climatology is based on a newly designed metrics that consists of the annual mean, the solstitial mode and equinoctial asymmetric mode of the annual cycle, and the rainy season characteristics. We find that the 1-month lead seasonal prediction made by the 13-model ensemble has skills that are much higher than those in individual model ensemble predictions and approached to those in the ERA-40 and NCEP-2 reanalysis in terms of both the precipitation climatology and seasonal anomalies. We also demonstrate that the skill for individual coupled models in predicting seasonal precipitation anomalies is positively correlated with its performances on prediction of the annual mean and annual cycle of precipitation. In addition, the seasonal prediction skill for the tropical SST anomalies, which are the major predictability source of monsoon precipitation in the current coupled models, is closely link to the models’ ability in simulating the SST mean state. Correction of the inherent bias in the mean state is critical for improving the long-lead seasonal prediction. Most individual coupled models reproduce realistically the long-term annual mean precipitation and the first annual cycle (solstitial mode), but they have difficulty in capturing the second annual (equinoctial asymmetric) mode faithfully, especially over the Indian Ocean (IO) and Western North Pacific (WNP) where the seasonal cycle in SST has significant biases. The coupled models replicate the monsoon rain domains very well except in the East Asian subtropical monsoon and the tropical WNP summer monsoon regions. The models also capture the gross features of the seasonal march of the rainy season including onset and withdraw of the Asian–Australian monsoon system over four major sub-domains, but striking deficiencies in the coupled model predictions are observed over the South China Sea and WNP region, where considerable biases exist in both the amplitude and phase of the annual cycle and the summer precipitation amount and its interannual variability are underestimated.
Lee, Tong, and Anthony Rosati, et al., August 2010: Consistency and fidelity of Indonesian-throughflow total volume transport estimated by 14 ocean data assimilation products. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 50(2), DOI:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2009.12.004. Abstract
Monthly averaged total volume transport of the Indonesian throughflow (ITF) estimated by 14 global ocean data assimilation (ODA) products that are decade to multi-decade long are compared among themselves and with observations from the INSTANT Program (2004–2006). The main goals of the comparisons are to examine the consistency and evaluate the skill of different ODA products in simulating ITF transport. The ensemble averaged, time-mean value of ODA estimates is 13.6 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3/s) for the common 1993–2001 period and 13.9 Sv for the 2004–2006 INSTANT Program period. These values are close to the 15-Sv estimate derived from INSTANT observations. All but one ODA time-mean estimate fall within the range of uncertainty of the INSTANT estimate. In terms of temporal variability, the scatter among different ODA estimates averaged over time is 1.7 Sv, which is substantially smaller than the magnitude of the temporal variability simulated by the ODA systems. Therefore, the overall “signal-to-noise” ratio for the ensemble estimates is larger than one. The best consistency among the products occurs on seasonal-to-interannual time scales, with generally stronger (weaker) ITF during boreal summer (winter) and during La Nina (El Nino) events. The scatter among different products for seasonal-to-interannual time scales is approximately 1 Sv. Despite the good consistency, systematic difference is found between most ODA products and the INSTANT observations. All but the highest-resolution (18 km) ODA product show a dominant annual cycle while the INSTANT estimate and the 18-km product exhibit a strong semi-annual signal. The coarse resolution is an important factor that limits the level of agreement between ODA and INSTANT estimates. Decadal signals with periods of 10–15 years are seen. The most conspicuous and consistent decadal change is a relatively sharp increase in ITF transport during 1993–2000 associated with the strengthening tropical Pacific trade wind. Most products do not show a weakening ITF after the mid-1970s’ associated with the weakened Pacific trade wind. The scatter of ODA estimates is smaller after than before 1980, reflecting the impact of the enhanced observations after the 1980s. To assess the representativeness of using the average over a three-year period (e.g., the span of the INSTANT Program) to describe longer-term mean, we investigate the temporal variations of the three-year low-pass ODA estimates. The average variation is about 3.6 Sv, which is largely due to the increase of ITF transport from 1993 to 2000. However, the three-year average during the 2004–2006 INSTANT Program period is within 0.5 Sv of the long-term mean for the past few decades.
Rienecker, M M., Stephen M Griffies, and Anthony Rosati, et al., September 2010: Synthesis and Assimilation Systems: Essential Adjuncts to the Global Ocean Observing System In OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, Vol. 2, ESA Publication, DOI:doi:10.5270/OceanObs09.pp.31.
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) has an important influence on climate, and yet we lack adequate observations of this circulation. Here we assess the adequacy of past and current widely deployed routine observing systems for monitoring the AMOC and associated North Atlantic climate. To do so we draw on two independent simulations of the 20th century using an IPCC AR4 coupled climate model. We treat one simulation as “truth” and sample it according to the observing system we are evaluating. We then assimilate these synthetic “observations” into the second simulation within a fully-coupled system that instantaneously exchanges information among all coupled components and produces a nearly balanced and coherent estimate for global climate states including the North Atlantic climate system. The degree to which the assimilation recovers the “truth” is an assessment of the adequacy of the observing system being evaluated. As the coupled system responds to the constraint of the atmosphere or ocean, the assessment of the recovery for climate quantities such as Labrador Sea Water (LSW) and the North Atlantic Oscillation increases our understanding for the factors that determine AMOC variability. For example, we found the low-frequency sea-surface forcings provided by the atmospheric and sea-surface temperature observations can excite a LSW variation that governs the long time scale variability of the AMOC. When we use the most complete modern observing system consisting of atmospheric winds and temperature, along with Argo ocean temperature and salinity down to 2000 meters, a skill estimate of AMOC reconstruction is 90% (out of 100% maximum). Similarly encouraging results hold for other quantities, such as LSW. The past XBT observing system, in which deep ocean temperature and salinity were not available, has a lesser ability to recover the “truth” AMOC (the skill is reduced to 52%). While these results raise concerns about our ability to properly characterize past variations of the AMOC, they also hold promise for future monitoring of the AMOC and for initializing prediction models.
A “biased twin” experiment using two coupled general circulation models (CGCMs) that are biased with respect to each other is used to study the impact of deep ocean bias on ensemble ocean data assimilation. The “observations” drawn from one CGCM based on the Argo network are assimilated into the other. Traditional ensemble filtering can successfully recover the upper-ocean temperature and salinity of the target model but it usually fails to converge in the deep ocean where the model bias is large compared to the ocean’s intrinsic variability. The inconsistency between the well-constrained upper ocean and poorly constrained deep ocean generates spurious assimilation currents. An adaptively inflated ensemble filter is designed to enhance the consistency of upper- and deep-ocean adjustments, based on “climatological” standard deviations being adaptively updated by observations. The new algorithm reduces deep-ocean errors greatly, in particular, reducing current errors up to 70% and vertical motion errors up to 50%. Specifically, the tropical circulation is greatly improved with a better representation of the undercurrent, upwelling, and Western Boundary Current systems. The structure of the subtropical gyre is also substantially improved. Consequently, the new algorithm leads to better estimates of important global hydrographic features such as global overturning and pycnocline depth. Based on these improved estimates, decadal trends of basin-scale heat content and salinity as well as the seasonal–interannual variability of the tropical ocean are constructed coherently. Interestingly, the Indian Ocean (especially the north Indian Ocean), which is associated with stronger atmospheric feedbacks, is the most sensitive basin to the covariance formulation used in the assimilation. Also, while reconstruction of the local thermohaline structure plays a leading-order role in estimating the decadal trend of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), more accurate estimates of the AMOC variability require coupled assimilation to produce coherently improved external forcings as well as internal heat and salt transport.
Chang, You-Soon, Anthony Rosati, Shaoqing Zhang, and Matthew J Harrison, February 2009: Objective analysis of monthly temperature and salinity for the world ocean in the 21st century: Comparison with World Ocean Atlas and application to assimilation validation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C02014, DOI:10.1029/2008JC004970. Abstract
A new World Ocean atlas of monthly temperature
and salinity, based on individual profiles for 2003–2007 (WOA21c), is
constructed and compared with the World Ocean Atlas 2001 (WOA01), the
World Ocean Atlas 2005 (WOA05), and the data assimilation analysis
from the Coupled Data Assimilation (CDA) system developed by the Geophysical
Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). First, we established a global data
management system for quality control (QC) of oceanic observed data both in
real time and delayed mode. Delayed mode QC of Argo floats identified about
8.5% (3%) of the total floats (profiles) up to December 2007 as having a
significant salinity offset of more than 0.05. Second, all QCed data were
gridded at 1° by 1° horizontal resolution and 23 standard depth levels using
six spatial scales (large and small longitudinal, latitudinal, and cross-isobath)
and a temporal scale. Analyzed mean temperature in WOA21c is warm with
respect to WOA01 and WOA05, while salinity difference is less evident.
Consistent differences among WOA01, WOA05, and WOA21c are found both in the
fully and subsampled data set, which indicates a large impact of recent
observations on the existing climatologies. Root mean square temperature and
salinity differences and offsets of the GFDL's CDA results significantly
decrease in the order of WOA01, WOA05, and WOA21c in most oceans and depths
as well. This result suggests that the WOA21c is of use for the collocated
assessment approach especially for high-performance assimilation models on
the global scale.
We assessed current status of multi-model ensemble (MME) deterministic and probabilistic seasonal prediction based on 25-year (1980–2004) retrospective forecasts performed by 14 climate model systems (7 onetier and 7 two-tier systems) that participate in the Climate Prediction and its Application to Society (CliPAS) project sponsored by the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation Climate Center (APCC). We also evaluated seven DEMETER models’ MME for the period of 1981–2001 for comparison. Based on the assessment, future direction for improvement of seasonal prediction is discussed. We found that two measures of probabilistic forecast skill, the Brier Skill Score (BSS) and Area under the Relative Operating Characteristic curve (AROC), display similar spatial patterns as those represented by temporal correlation coefficient (TCC) score of deterministic MME forecast. A TCC score of 0.6 corresponds approximately to a BSS of 0.1 and an AROC of 0.7 and beyond these critical threshold values, they are almost linearly correlated. The MME method is demonstrated to be a valuable approach for reducing errors and quantifying forecast uncertainty due to model formulation. The MME prediction skill is substantially better than the averaged skill of all individual models. For instance, the TCC score of CliPAS one-tier MME forecast of Ni ńo 3.4 index at a 6-month lead initiated from 1 May is 0.77, which is significantly higher than the corresponding averaged skill of seven individual coupled models (0.63). The MME made by using 14 coupled models from both DEMETER and CliPAS shows an even higher TCC score of 0.87. Effectiveness of MME depends on the averaged skill of individual models and their mutual independency. For probabilistic forecast the CliPAS MME gains considerable skill from increased forecast reliability as the number of model being used increases; the forecast resolution also increases for 2 m temperature but slightly decreases for precipitation. Equatorial Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies are primary sources of atmospheric climate variability worldwide. The MME 1-month lead hindcast can predict, with high fidelity, the spatial–temporal structures of the first two leading empirical orthogonal modes of the equatorial SST anomalies for both boreal summer (JJA) and winter (DJF), which account for about 80–90% of the total variance. The major bias is a westward shift of SST anomaly between the dateline and 120E, which may potentially degrade global teleconnection associated with it. The TCC score for SST predictions over the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean reaches about 0.68 with a 6-month lead forecast. However, the TCC score for Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) index drops below 0.40 at a 3-month lead for both the May and November initial conditions due to the prediction barriers across July, and January, respectively. The MME prediction skills are well correlated with the amplitude of Nińo 3.4 SST variation. The forecasts for 2 m air temperature are better in El Nińo years than in La Nińa years. The precipitation and circulation are predicted better in ENSO-decaying JJA than in ENSO-developing JJA. There is virtually no skill in ENSO-neutral years. Continuing improvement of the onetier climate model’s slow coupled dynamics in reproducing realistic amplitude, spatial patterns, and temporal evolution of ENSO cycle is a key for long-lead seasonal forecast. Forecast of monsoon precipitation remains a major challenge. The seasonal rainfall predictions over land and during local summer have little skill, especially over tropical Africa. The differences in forecast skills over land areas between the CliPAS and DEMETER MMEs indicate potentials for further improvement of prediction over land. There is an urgent need to assess impacts of land surface initialization on the skill of seasonal and monthly forecast using a multi-model framework.
The impact of oceanic observing systems, external radiative forcings due to greenhouse gas and natural aerosol (GHGNA), and oceanic initial conditions on long time variability of oceanic heat content and salinity is assessed by the assimilation of oceanic “observations” in the context of a “perfect” Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report model. According to times and locations at which observations are available, the 20th century expendable bathythermograph (XBT) temperature and 21st century Argo temperature and salinity observations are drawn from a model simulation (set as the “truth”) with historical GHGNA radiative forcings. These model observations are assimilated into another coupled model simulation based on temporally varying or fixed year GHGNA values and different oceanic initial conditions. The degree to which the assimilation recovers the truth variability of oceanic heat content and salinity is an assessment of the impact of each factor on the detection of the oceanic “climate.” Results show that both the 20th century XBT and 21st century Argo observations adequately capture the basin-scale variability of heat content. The Argo salinity observations appear to be necessary to reproduce the North Atlantic thermohaline structure and variability. The addition of historical radiative forcings does not make a significant contribution to the detection skill. The initial conditions spun up by historical GHGNA produce better detection skill than the initial conditions spun up by preindustrial fixed year GHGNA due to reduced assimilation shocks. While the 20th century XBT temperature observations alone capture some basic features of salinity variations of the tropical ocean due to the strong T-S relationship from tropical air-sea interactions, the Argo salinity observations are important for global state estimation, particularly in high latitudes where haline effects on ocean density are greater.
We explore the predictability of the sea surface temperature anomalies associated with the Indian Ocean Dipole/Zonal Mode (IODZM) at a three-season lead, within the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) coupled general circulation model (CGCM). In both control simulations and retrospective forecasts of the 1990's in the CGCM, we find that the occurrence of some IODZM events is preconditioned by oceanic conditions and potentially predictable three seasons in advance, while other IODZM events appear to be triggered by weather noise and have low predictability. The results highlight the necessity for future studies to distinguish periods when the IODZM is more or less predictable and search for its precursory pattern in the ocean.
A common practice in the design of forecast models for ENSO is to couple ocean general circulation models to simple atmospheric models. Therefore, by construction these models (known as hybrid ENSO models) do not resolve various kinds of atmospheric variability [e.g., the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) and westerly wind bursts] that are often regarded as “unwanted noise.” In this work the sensitivity of three hybrid ENSO models to this unresolved atmospheric variability is studied. The hybrid coupled models were tuned to be asymptotically stable and the magnitude, and spatial and temporal structure of the unresolved variability was extracted from observations. The results suggest that this neglected variability can add an important piece of realism and forecast skill to the hybrid models. The models were found to respond linearly to the low-frequency part of the neglected atmospheric variability, in agreement with previous findings with intermediate models. While the wind anomalies associated with the MJO typically explain a small fraction of the unresolved variability, a large fraction of the interannual variability can be excited by this forcing. A large correlation was found between interannual anomalies of Kelvin waves forced by the intraseasonal MJO and the Kelvin waves forced by the low-frequency part of the MJO. That is, in years when the MJO tends to be more active it also produces a larger low-frequency contribution, which can then resonate with the large-scale coupled system. Other kinds of atmospheric variability not related to the MJO can also produce interannual anomalies in the hybrid models. However, when projected on the characteristics of Kelvin waves, no clear correlation between its low-frequency content and its intraseasonal activity was found. This suggests that understanding the mechanisms by which the intraseasonal MJO interacts with the ocean to modulate its low-frequency content may help to better to predict ENSO variability.
Song, Qian, Gabriel A Vecchi, and Anthony Rosati, June 2007: The role of Indonesian throughflow in the Indo-Pacific climate variability in the GFDL coupled climate model. Journal of Climate, 20(11), DOI:10.1175/JCLI4133.1. Abstract
The impacts of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) on the tropical Indo–Pacific climate, particularly on the character of interannual variability, are explored using a coupled general circulation model (CGCM). A pair of CGCM experiments—a control experiment with an open ITF and a perturbation experiment in which the ITF is artificially closed—is integrated for 200 model years, with the 1990 values of trace gases. The closure of the ITF results in changes to the mean oceanic and atmospheric conditions throughout the tropical Indo–Pacific domain as follows: surface temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific (Indian) Ocean warm (cool), the near-equatorial Pacific (Indian) thermocline flattens (shoals), Indo–Pacific warm-pool precipitation shifts eastward, and there are relaxed trade winds over the tropical Pacific and anomalous surface easterlies over the equatorial Indian Ocean. The character of the oceanic changes is similar to that described by ocean-only model experiments, though the amplitude of many features in the tropical Indo–Pacific is amplified in the CGCM experiments.
In addition to the mean-state changes, the character of tropical Indo–Pacific interannual variability is substantially modified. Interannual variability in the equatorial Pacific and the eastern tropical Indian Ocean is substantially intensified by the closure of the ITF. In addition to becoming more energetic, El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) exhibits a shorter time scale of variability and becomes more skewed toward its warm phase (stronger and more frequent warm events). The structure of warm ENSO events changes; the anomalies of sea surface temperature (SST), precipitation, and surface westerly winds are shifted to the east and the meridional extent of surface westerly anomalies is larger.
In the eastern tropical Indian Ocean, the interannual SST variability off the coast of Java–Sumatra is noticeably amplified by the occurrence of much stronger cooling events. Closing the ITF shoals the eastern tropical Indian Ocean thermocline, which results in stronger cooling events through enhanced atmosphere–thermocline coupled feedbacks. Changes to the interannual variability caused by the ITF closure rectify into mean-state changes in tropical Indo–Pacific conditions. The modified Indo–Pacific interannual variability projects onto the mean-state differences between the ITF open and closed scenarios, rectifying into mean-state differences. These results suggest that CGCMs need to reasonably simulate the ITF in order to successfully represent not just the mean climate, but its variations as well.
The interannual variability of the Indian Ocean, with particular focus on the Indian Ocean dipole/zonal mode (IODZM), is investigated in a 250-yr simulation of the GFDL coupled global general circulation model (CGCM). The CGCM successfully reproduces many fundamental characteristics of the climate system of the Indian Ocean. The character of the IODZM is explored, as are relationships between positive IODZM and El Niño events, through a composite analysis. The IODZM events in the CGCM grow through feedbacks between heat-content anomalies and SST-related atmospheric anomalies, particularly in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean. The composite IODZM events that co-occur with El Niño have stronger anomalies and a sharper east–west SSTA contrast than those that occur without El Niño. IODZM events, whether or not they occur with El Niño, are preceded by distinctive Indo-Pacific warm pool anomaly patterns in boreal spring: in the central Indian Ocean easterly surface winds, and in the western equatorial Pacific an eastward shift of deep convection, westerly surface winds, and warm sea surface temperature. However, delayed onsets of the anomaly patterns (e.g., boreal summer) are often not followed by IODZM events. The same anomaly patterns often precede El Niño, suggesting that the warm pool conditions favorable for both IODZM and El Niño are similar. Given that IODZM events can occur without El Niño, it is proposed that the observed IODZM–El Niño relation arises because the IODZM and El Niño are both large-scale phenomena in which variations of the Indo-Pacific warm pool deep convection plays a central role. Yet each phenomenon has its own dynamics and life cycle, allowing each to develop without the other.
The CGCM integration also shows substantial decadal modulation of the occurrence of IODZM events, which is found to be not in phase with that of El Niño events. There is a weak, though significant, negative correlation between the two. Moreover, the statistical relationship between the IODZM and El Niño displays strong decadal variability.
Two global ocean analyses from 1993 to 2001 have been generated by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), as part of the Ocean Data Assimilation for Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction (ODASI) consortium efforts. The ocean general circulation models (OGCM) and assimilation methods in the analyses are different, but the forcing and observations are the same as designed for ODASI experiments. Global expendable bathythermograph and Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) temperature profile observations are assimilated. The GMAO analysis also assimilates synthetic salinity profiles based on climatological T–S relationships from observations (denoted "TS scheme"). The quality of the two ocean analyses in the tropical Pacific is examined here. Questions such as the following are addressed: How do different assimilation methods impact the analyses, including ancillary fields such as salinity and currents? Is there a significant difference in interpretation of the variability from different analyses? How does the treatment of salinity impact the analyses? Both GMAO and GFDL analyses reproduce the time mean and variability of the temperature field compared with assimilated TAO temperature data, taking into account the natural variability and representation errors of the assimilated temperature observations. Surface zonal currents at 15 m from the two analyses generally agree with observed climatology. Zonal current profiles from the analyses capture the intensity and variability of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) displayed in the independent acoustic Doppler current profiler data at three TAO moorings across the equatorial Pacific basin. Compared with independent data from TAO servicing cruises, the results show that 1) temperature errors are reduced below the thermocline in both analyses; 2) salinity errors are considerably reduced below the thermocline in the GMAO analysis; and 3) errors in zonal currents from both analyses are comparable. To discern the impact of the forcing and salinity treatment, a sensitivity study is undertaken with the GMAO assimilation system. Additional analyses are produced with a different forcing dataset, and another scheme to modify the salinity field is tested. This second scheme updates salinity at the time of temperature assimilation based on model T–S relationships (denoted "T scheme"). The results show that both assimilated field (i.e., temperature) and fields that are not directly observed (i.e., salinity and currents) are impacted. Forcing appears to have more impact near the surface (above the core of the EUC), while the salinity treatment is more important below the surface that is directly influenced by forcing. Overall, the TS scheme is more effective than the T scheme in correcting model bias in salinity and improving the current structure. Zonal currents from the GMAO control run where no data are assimilated are as good as the best analysis.
A fully coupled data assimilation (CDA) system, consisting of an ensemble filter applied to the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory’s global fully coupled climate model (CM2), has been developed to facilitate the detection and prediction of seasonal-to-multidecadal climate variability and climate trends. The assimilation provides a self-consistent, temporally continuous estimate of the coupled model state and its uncertainty, in the form of discrete ensemble members, which can be used directly to initialize probabilistic climate forecasts. Here, the CDA is evaluated using a series of perfect model experiments, in which a particular twentieth-century simulation—with temporally varying greenhouse gas and natural aerosol radiative forcings—serves as a “truth” from which observations are drawn, according to the actual ocean observing network for the twentieth century. These observations are then assimilated into a coupled model ensemble that is subjected only to preindustrial forcings. By examining how well this analysis ensemble reproduces the “truth,” the skill of the analysis system in recovering anthropogenically forced trends and natural climate variability is assessed, given the historical observing network. The assimilation successfully reconstructs the twentieth-century ocean heat content variability and trends in most locations. The experiments highlight the importance of maintaining key physical relationships among model fields, which are associated with water masses in the ocean and geostrophy in the atmosphere. For example, when only oceanic temperatures are assimilated, the ocean analysis is greatly improved by incorporating the temperature–salinity covariance provided by the analysis ensemble. Interestingly, wind observations are more helpful than atmospheric temperature observations for constructing the structure of the tropical atmosphere; the opposite holds for the extratropical atmosphere. The experiments indicate that the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is difficult to constrain using the twentieth-century observational network, but there is hope that additional observations—including those from the newly deployed Argo profiles—may lessen this problem in the twenty-first century. The challenges for data assimilation of model systematic biases and evolving observing systems are discussed.
The formulation and simulation characteristics of two new global coupled climate models developed at NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) are described. The models were designed to simulate atmospheric and oceanic climate and variability from the diurnal time scale through multicentury climate change, given our computational constraints. In particular, an important goal was to use the same model for both experimental seasonal to interannual forecasting and the study of multicentury global climate change, and this goal has been achieved.
Two versions of the coupled model are described, called CM2.0 and CM2.1. The versions differ primarily in the dynamical core used in the atmospheric component, along with the cloud tuning and some details of the land and ocean components. For both coupled models, the resolution of the land and atmospheric components is 2° latitude × 2.5° longitude; the atmospheric model has 24 vertical levels. The ocean resolution is 1° in latitude and longitude, with meridional resolution equatorward of 30° becoming progressively finer, such that the meridional resolution is 1/3° at the equator. There are 50 vertical levels in the ocean, with 22 evenly spaced levels within the top 220 m. The ocean component has poles over North America and Eurasia to avoid polar filtering. Neither coupled model employs flux adjustments.
The control simulations have stable, realistic climates when integrated over multiple centuries. Both models have simulations of ENSO that are substantially improved relative to previous GFDL coupled models. The CM2.0 model has been further evaluated as an ENSO forecast model and has good skill (CM2.1 has not been evaluated as an ENSO forecast model). Generally reduced temperature and salinity biases exist in CM2.1 relative to CM2.0. These reductions are associated with 1) improved simulations of surface wind stress in CM2.1 and associated changes in oceanic gyre circulations; 2) changes in cloud tuning and the land model, both of which act to increase the net surface shortwave radiation in CM2.1, thereby reducing an overall cold bias present in CM2.0; and 3) a reduction of ocean lateral viscosity in the extratropics in CM2.1, which reduces sea ice biases in the North Atlantic.
Both models have been used to conduct a suite of climate change simulations for the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment report and are able to simulate the main features of the observed warming of the twentieth century. The climate sensitivities of the CM2.0 and CM2.1 models are 2.9 and 3.4 K, respectively. These sensitivities are defined by coupling the atmospheric components of CM2.0 and CM2.1 to a slab ocean model and allowing the model to come into equilibrium with a doubling of atmospheric CO2. The output from a suite of integrations conducted with these models is freely available online (see
Manuscript received 8 December 2004, in final form 18 March 2005
The current generation of coupled climate models run at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) as part of the Climate Change Science Program contains ocean components that differ in almost every respect from those contained in previous generations of GFDL climate models. This paper summarizes the new physical features of the models and examines the simulations that they produce. Of the two new coupled climate model versions 2.1 (CM2.1) and 2.0 (CM2.0), the CM2.1 model represents a major improvement over CM2.0 in most of the major oceanic features examined, with strikingly lower drifts in hydrographic fields such as temperature and salinity, more realistic ventilation of the deep ocean, and currents that are closer to their observed values. Regional analysis of the differences between the models highlights the importance of wind stress in determining the circulation, particularly in the Southern Ocean. At present, major errors in both models are associated with Northern Hemisphere Mode Waters and outflows from overflows, particularly the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea.
Impacts of mixing driven by barotropic tides in a coupled climate model are investigated by using an atmosphere–ocean–ice–land coupled climate model, the GFDL CM2.0. We focus on oceanic conditions of the Northern Atlantic. Barotropic tidal mixing effects increase the surface salinity and density in the Northern Atlantic and decrease the RMS error of the model surface salinity and temperature fields related to the observational data.
We explore the extent to which stochastic atmospheric variability was fundamental to development of extreme sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) during the 1997–8 El Niño. The observed western equatorial Pacific westerly zonal stress anomalies (τ a x ), which appeared between Nov. 1996 and May 1997 as a series of episodic bursts, were largely reproducible by an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) ensemble forced with observed SST. Retrospective forecasts using a hybrid coupled model (HCM) indicate that coupling only the part of τ a x linearly related to large-scale tropical Pacific SSTA is insufficient to capture the observed 1997 warming; but, accounting in the HCM for all the τ a x that was connected to SST, recovers most of the strong SSTA warming. The AGCM-estimated range of stochastic τ a x forcing induces substantial dispersion in the forecasts, but does not obscure the large-scale warming in most HCM ensemble members.
Multicentury integrations from two global coupled ocean–atmosphere–land–ice models [Climate Model versions 2.0 (CM2.0) and 2.1 (CM2.1), developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory] are described in terms of their tropical Pacific climate and El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The integrations are run without flux adjustments and provide generally realistic simulations of tropical Pacific climate. The observed annual-mean trade winds and precipitation, sea surface temperature, surface heat fluxes, surface currents, Equatorial Undercurrent, and subsurface thermal structure are well captured by the models. Some biases are evident, including a cold SST bias along the equator, a warm bias along the coast of South America, and a westward extension of the trade winds relative to observations. Along the equator, the models exhibit a robust, westward-propagating annual cycle of SST and zonal winds. During boreal spring, excessive rainfall south of the equator is linked to an unrealistic reversal of the simulated meridional winds in the east, and a stronger-than-observed semiannual signal is evident in the zonal winds and Equatorial Undercurrent.
Both CM2.0 and CM2.1 have a robust ENSO with multidecadal fluctuations in amplitude, an irregular period between 2 and 5 yr, and a distribution of SST anomalies that is skewed toward warm events as observed. The evolution of subsurface temperature and current anomalies is also quite realistic. However, the simulated SST anomalies are too strong, too weakly damped by surface heat fluxes, and not as clearly phase locked to the end of the calendar year as in observations. The simulated patterns of tropical Pacific SST, wind stress, and precipitation variability are displaced 20°–30° west of the observed patterns, as are the simulated ENSO teleconnections to wintertime 200-hPa heights over Canada and the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Despite this, the impacts of ENSO on summertime and wintertime precipitation outside the tropical Pacific appear to be well simulated. Impacts of the annual-mean biases on the simulated variability are discussed.
This paper summarizes the formulation of the ocean component to the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's (GFDL) climate model used for the 4th IPCC Assessment (AR4) of global climate change. In particular, it reviews the numerical schemes and physical parameterizations that make up an ocean climate model and how these schemes are pieced together for use in a state-of-the-art climate model. Features of the model described here include the following: (1) tripolar grid to resolve the Arctic Ocean without polar filtering, (2) partial bottom step representation of topography to better represent topographically influenced advective and wave processes, (3) more accurate equation of state, (4) three-dimensional flux limited tracer advection to reduce overshoots and undershoots, (5) incorporation of regional climatological variability in shortwave penetration, (6) neutral physics parameterization for representation of the pathways of tracer transport, (7) staggered time stepping for tracer conservation and numerical efficiency, (8) anisotropic horizontal viscosities for representation of equatorial currents, (9) parameterization of exchange with marginal seas, (10) incorporation of a free surface that accommodates a dynamic ice model and wave propagation, (11) transport of water across the ocean free surface to eliminate unphysical "virtual tracer flux" methods, (12) parameterization of tidal mixing on continental shelves. We also present preliminary analyses of two particularly important sensitivities isolated during the development process, namely the details of how parameterized subgridscale eddies transport momentum and tracers.
The impact of changes in shortwave radiation penetration depth on the global ocean circulation and heat transport is studied using the GFDL Modular Ocean Model (MOM4) with two independent parameterizations that use ocean color to estimate the penetration depth of shortwave radiation. Ten to eighteen percent increases in the depth of 1% downwelling surface irradiance levels results in an increase in mixed layer depths of 3-20 m in the subtropical and tropical regions with no change at higher latitudes. While 1D models have predicted that sea surface temperatures at the equator would decrease with deeper penetration of solar irradiance, this study shows a warming, resulting in a 10% decrease in the required restoring heat flux needed to maintain climatological sea surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The decrease in the restoring heat flux is attributed to a slowdown in heat transport (5%) from the Tropics and an increase in the temperature of submixed layer waters being transported into the equatorial regions. Calculations were made using a simple relationship between mixed layer depth and meridional mass transport. When compared with model diagnostics, these calculations suggest that the slowdown in heat transport is primarily due to off-equatorial increases in mixed layer depths. At higher latitudes (5°-40°), higher restoring heat fluxes are needed to maintain sea surface temperatures because of deeper mixed layers and an increase in storage of heat below the mixed layer. This study offers a way to evaluate the changes in irradiance penetration depths in coupled ocean-atmosphere GCMs and the potential effect that large-scale changes in chlorophyll a concentrations will have on ocean circulation.
As a first step toward coupled ocean–atmosphere data assimilation, a parallelized ensemble filter is implemented in a new stochastic hybrid coupled model. The model consists of a global version of the GFDL Modular Ocean Model Version 4 (MOM4), coupled to a statistical atmosphere based on a regression of National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis surface wind stress, heat, and water flux anomalies onto analyzed tropical Pacific SST anomalies from 1979 to 2002. The residual part of the NCEP fluxes not captured by the regression is then treated as stochastic forcing, with different ensemble members feeling the residual fluxes from different years. The model provides a convenient test bed for coupled data assimilation, as well as a prototype for representing uncertainties in the surface forcing.
A parallel ensemble adjustment Kalman filter (EAKF) has been designed and implemented in the hybrid model, using a local least squares framework. Comparison experiments demonstrate that the massively parallel processing EAKF (MPPEAKF) produces assimilation results with essentially the same quality as a global sequential analysis. Observed subsurface temperature profiles from expendable bathythermographs (XBTs), Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) buoys, and Argo floats, along with analyzed SSTs from NCEP, are assimilated into the hybrid model over 1980-2002 using the MPPEAKF. The filtered ensemble of SSTs, ocean heat contents, and thermal structures converge well to the observations, in spite of the imposed stochastic forcings. Several facets of the EAKF algorithm used here have been designed to facilitate comparison to a traditional three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) algorithm, for instance, the use of a univariate filter in which observations of temperature only directly impact temperature state variables. Despite these choices that may limit the power of the EAKF, the MPPEAKF solution appears to improve upon an earlier 3DVAR solution, producing a smoother, more physically reasonable analysis that better fits the observational data and produces, to some degree, a self-consistent estimate of analysis uncertainties. Hybrid model ENSO forecasts initialized from the MPPEAKF ensemble mean also appear to outperform those initialized from the 3DVAR analysis. This improvement stems from the EAKF's utilization of anisotropic background error covariances that may vary in time.
Time-stepping schemes in ocean-atmosphere models can involve multiple time levels. Traditional data assimilation implementation considers only the adjustment of the current state using observations available, i.e. the one time level adjustment. However, one time level adjustment introduces an inconsistency between the adjusted and unadjusted states into the model time integration, which can produce extra assimilation errors. For time-dependent assimilation approaches such as ensemble-based filtering algorithms, the persistent introduction of this inconsistency can give rise to computational instability and requires extra time filtering to maintain the assimilation.
A multiple time level adjustment assimilation scheme is thus proposed, in which the states at times t and t- 1, t- 2, ... , if applicable, are adjusted using observations at time t. Given a leap frog time-stepping scheme, a low-order (Lorenz-63) model and a simple atmospheric (global barotropic) model are used to demonstrate the impact of the two time level adjustment on assimilation results in a perfect model framework with observing/assimilation simulation experiments. The assimilation algorithms include an ensemble-based filter (the ensemble adjustment Kalman filter, EAKF) and a strong constraint four-dimensional variational (4D-Var) assimilation method. Results show that the two time level adjustment always reduces the assimilation errors for both filtering and variational algorithms due to the consistency of the adjusted states at times t and t- 1 that are used to produce the future state in the leap frog time-stepping. The magnitude of the error reduction made by the two time level adjustment varies according to the availability of observations, the nonlinearity of the assimilation model and the strength of the time filter used in the model. Generally the sparser the observations in time, the larger the error reduction. In particular, for the EAKF when the model uses a weak time filter and for the 4D-Var method when the model is strongly nonlinear, two time level adjustment can significantly improve the performance of these assimilation algorithms.
An experimental ENSO prediction system is presented, based on an ocean general circulation model (GCM) coupled to a statistical atmosphere and the adjoint method of 4D variational data assimilation. The adjoint method is used to initialize the coupled model, and predictions are performed for the period 1980–99. The coupled model is also initialized using two simpler assimilation techniques: forcing the ocean model with observed sea surface temperature and surface fluxes, and a 3D variational data assimilation (3DVAR) method, similar to that used by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) for operational ENSO prediction. The prediction skill of the coupled model initialized by the three assimilation methods is then analyzed and compared. The effect of the assimilation period used in the adjoint method is studied by using 3-, 6-, and 9-month assimilation periods. Finally, the possibility of assimilating only the anomalies with respect to observed climatology in order to circumvent systematic model biases is examined.
It is found that the adjoint method does seem to have the potential for improving over simpler assimilation schemes. The improved skill is mainly at prediction intervals of more than 6 months, where the coupled model dynamics start to influence the model solution. At shorter prediction time intervals, the initialization using the forced ocean model or the 3DVAR may result in a better prediction skill. The assimilation of anomalies did not have a substantial effect on the prediction skill of the coupled model. This seems to indicate that in this model the climatology bias, which is compensated for by the anomaly assimilation, is less significant for the predictive skill than the bias in the model variability, which cannot be eliminated using the anomaly assimilation. Changing the optimization period from 6 to 3 to 9 months showed that the period of 6 months seems to be a near-optimal choice for this model.
Schneider, E K., D G DeWitt, Anthony Rosati, Ben P Kirtman, L Ji, and Joseph J Tribbia, 2003: Retrospective ENSO forecasts: sensitivity to atmospheric model and ocean resolution. Monthly Weather Review, 131(12), 3038-3060. Abstract PDF
Results are described from a series of 40 retrospective forecasts of tropical Pacific SST, starting 1 January and 1 July 1980–99, performed with several coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation models sharing the same ocean model—the Modular Ocean Model version 3 (MOM3) OGCM—and the same initial conditions. The atmospheric components of the coupled models were the Center for Ocean–Land–Atmosphere Studies (COLA), ECHAM, and Community Climate Model version 3 (CCM3) models at T42 horizontal resolution, and no empirical corrections were applied to the coupling. Additionally, the retrospective forecasts using the COLA and ECHAM atmospheric models were carried out with two resolutions of the OGCM. The high-resolution version of the OGCM had 1° horizontal resolution (1/3° meridional resolution near the equator) and 40 levels in the vertical, while the lower-resolution version had 1.5° horizontal resolution (1/2° meridional resolution near the equator) and 25 levels. The initial states were taken from an ocean data assimilation performed by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) using the high-resolution OGCM. Initial conditions for the lower-resolution retrospective forecasts were obtained by interpolation from the GFDL ocean data assimilation.
The systematic errors of the mean evolution in the coupled models depend strongly on the atmospheric model, with the COLA versions having a warm bias in tropical Pacific SST, the CCM3 version a cold bias, and the ECHAM versions a smaller cold bias. Each of the models exhibits similar levels of skill, although some statistically significant differences are identified. The models have better retrospective forecast performance from the 1 July initial conditions, suggesting a spring prediction barrier. A consensus retrospective forecast produced by taking the ensemble average of the retrospective forecasts from all of the models is generally superior to any of the individual retrospective forecasts. One reason that averaging across models appears to be successful is that the averaging reduces the effects of systematic errors in the structure of the ENSO variability of the different models. The effect of reducing noise by averaging ensembles of forecasts made with the same model is compared to the effects from multimodel ensembling for a subset of the cases; however, the sample size is not large enough to clearly distinguish between the multimodel consensus and the single-model ensembles.
There are obvious problems with the retrospective forecasts that can be connected to the various systematic errors of the coupled models in simulation mode, and which are ultimately due to model error (errors in the physical parameterizations and numerical truncation). These errors lead to initial shock and a “spring variability barrier” that degrade the retrospective forecasts.
Galanti, E, E Tziperman, Matthew J Harrison, Anthony Rosati, R Giering, and Z Sirkes, 2002: The equatorial thermocline outcropping--A seasonal control on the tropical Pacific Ocean-Atmosphere instability strength. Journal of Climate, 15(19), 2721-2739. Abstract PDF
One of the major factors determining the strength and extent of ENSO events is the instability state of the equatorial Pacific coupled ocean–atmosphere system and its seasonal variations. This study analyzes the coupled instability in a hybrid coupled model of the Indo–Pacific region, using the adjoint method for sensitivity studies.
It is found that the seasonal changes in the ocean–atmosphere instability strength in the model used here are related to the outcropping of the thermocline in the east equatorial Pacific. From July to December, when the thermocline outcrops over a wide area in the east Pacific, there is a strong surface–thermocline connection and anomalies that arrive as Kelvin waves from the west along the thermocline can reach the surface and affect the SST and thus the coupled system. Conversely, from February to June, when the thermocline outcropping is minimal, the surface decouples from the thermocline and temperature anomalies in the thermocline depth range do not affect the surface and dissipate within the thermocline. The role of vertical mixing rather than upwelling in linking vertical thermocline movements to SST changes is emphasized.
It is therefore suggested that the seasonal ocean–atmosphere instability strength in the equatorial Pacific is strongly influenced by the thermocline outcropping and its seasonal modulation, a physical mechanism that is often neglected in intermediate coupled models and that can be represented properly only in models that employ the full dynamics of the mixed layer.
This paper presents a quantitative methodology for evaluating air-sea fluxes related to ENSO from different atmospheric products. A statistical model of the fluxes from each atmospheric product is coupled to an ocean general circulation model (GCM). Four different products are evaluated: reanalyses from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), satellite-derived data from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imaging (SSM/I) platform and the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP), and an atmospheric GCM developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) as part of the Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) II. For this study, comparisons between the datasets are restricted to the dominant air-sea mode. #The stability of a coupled model using only the dominant mode and the associated predictive skill of the model are strongly dependent on which atmospheric product is used. The model is unstable and oscillatory for the ECMWF product, damped and ocillatory for the NCEP and GFDL products, and unstable (nonoscillatory) for the satellite product. The ocean model is coupled with patterns of wind stress as well as heat fluxes. This distinguishes the present approach from the existing paradigm for ENSO models where surface heat fluxes are parameterized as a local damping term in the sea surface temperature (SST) equation.
Anderson, D L., T N Stockdale, M K Davey, M Fischer, M Ji, Anthony Rosati, N R Smith, and S E Zebiak, 2001: Ocean data needs for ENSO and seasonal forecast systems In Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century, Melbourne, Australia, Uniprint Pty. Ltd., 546-560. Abstract
In this paper we consider the ocean data requirements of comprehensive coupled models used for seasonal forecasting. These are not independent of the measurements and procedures needed to produce analyses of the winds and surface heat and freshwater fluxes which are used to force the ocean models and to provide vital information on the ocean initial conditions. To further put ocean data requirements in context, brief descriptions of a few current ocean analysis systems are given. The way in which different data types are used in practice is then discussed and future requirements assessed.
Gudgel, Richard G., Anthony Rosati, and C Tony Gordon, 2001: The sensitivity of a coupled atmospheric-oceanic GCM in prescribed low-level clouds over the ocean and tropical landmasses. Monthly Weather Review, 129(8), 2103-2115. Abstract PDF
The sensitivity of a coupled general circulation model (CGCM) to tropical marine stratocumulus (MSc) clouds and low-level clouds over the tropical land is examined. The hypothesis that low-level clouds play an important role in determining the strength and position of the Walker circulation and also on the strength and phase of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is studied using a Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) experimental prediction CGCM. In the Tropics, a GFDL experimental prediction CGCM exhibits a strong bias in the western Pacific where an eastward shift in the ascending branch of the Walker circulation diminishes the strength and expanse of the sea surface temperature (SST) warm pool, thereby reducing the east–west SST gradient, and effectively weakening the trade winds. These model features are evidence of a poorly simulated Walker circulation, one that mirrors a “perpetual El Niño” state. One possible factor contributing to this bias is a poor simulation of MSc clouds in the eastern equatorial Pacific (which are essential to a proper SST annual cycle). Another possible contributing factor might be radiative heating biases over the land in the Tropics, which could, in turn, have a significant impact on the preferred locations of maximum convection in the Tropics. As a means of studying the sensitivity of a CGCM to both MSc clouds and to varied radiative forcing over the land in the Tropics, low-level clouds obtained from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) are prescribed. The experiment sets consist of one where clouds are fully predicted, another where ISCCP low-level clouds are prescribed over the oceans alone, and a third where ISCCP low-level clouds are prescribed both over the global oceans and over the tropical landmasses. A set of ten 12-month hindcasts is performed for each experiment.
The results show that the combined prescription of interannually varying global ocean and climatological tropical land low-level clouds into the CGCM results in a much improved simulation of the Walker circulation over the Pacific Ocean. The improvement to the tropical circulation was also notable over the Indian and Atlantic basins as well. These improvements in circulation led to a considerable increase in ENSO hindcast skill in the first year by the CGCM. These enhancements were a function of both the presence of MSc clouds over the tropical oceans and were also due to the more realistic positioning of the regions of maximum convection in the Tropics. This latter model feature was essentially a response to the change in radiative forcing over tropical landmasses associated with a reduction in low cloud fraction and optical depth when ISCCP low-level clouds were prescribed there. These results not only underscore the importance of a reasonable representation of MSc clouds but also point out the considerable impact that radiative forcing over the tropical landmasses has on the simulated position of the Walker circulation and also on ENSO forecasting.
A workshop was held 15-17 March 2000 to discuss the possibility that the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) interacts with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The workshop explored a number of topics related to the MJO-ENSO problem, proposed a set of competing hypotheses, and made recommendations for future studies on this issue.
The seasonal cycle of SST observed in the eastern equatorial Pacific is poorly simulated by many ocean-atmosphere coupled GCMs. This deficiency may be partly due to an incorrect prediction of tropical marine stratocumulus (MSc). To explore this hypothesis, two basic multiyear simulations have been performed using a coupled GCM with seasonally varying solar radiation. The model's cloud prediction scheme, which under-predicts tropical marine stratocumulus, is used for all clouds in the control run. In contrast, in the "ISCCP" run, the climatological monthly mean low cloud fraction is specified over the open ocean, utilizing C2 data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). In this manner, the treatment of MSc clouds, including the annual cycle, is more realistic than in previous sensitivity studies.
Robust surface and subsurface thermodynamical and dynamical responses to the specified MSc are found in the Tropics, especially near the equator. In the annual mean, the equatorial cold tongue extends farther west and intensifies, while the east-west SST gradient is enhanced. A double SST maximum flanking the cold tongue becomes asymmetric about the equator. The SST annual cycle in the eastern equatorial Pacific strengthens, and the equatorial SST seasonal anomalies migrate farther westward. MSc-induced local shortwave radiative cooling enhances dynamical cooling associated with the southeast trades. The surface meridional wind stress in the extreme eastern equatorial Pacific remains southerly all year, while the surface zonal wind stress and equatorial upwelling intensify, as does the seasonal cycle of evaporation, in better agreement with observation. Within the ocean, the thermocline steepens and the Equatorial Undercurrent intensifies. When the low clouds are entirely removed, the SST warms by about 5.5 K in the western and central tropical Pacific, relative to "ISCCP," and the model's SST bias there reverses sign.
ENSO-like interannual variability with a characteristic timescale of 3-5 yr is found in all simulations, though its amplitude varies. The "ISCCP" equatorial cold tongue inhibits the eastward progression of ENSO-like warm events east of the date line. When the specified low cloud fraction in "ISCCP' is reduced by 20%, the interannual variability amplifies somewhat and the coupled model responds more like a delayed oscillator. The apparent sensitivity in the equatorial Pacific to a 20% relative change in low cloud fraction may have some cautionary implications for seasonal prediction by coupled GCMs.
Gordon, C T., Anthony Rosati, and Richard G Gudgel, 1999: Tropical interannual variability response of a coupled model to specified low clouds In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 331-334.
Gudgel, Richard G., Anthony Rosati, and C Tony Gordon, 1999: The impact of prescribed tropical land and ocean clouds on the Walker circulation in the GFDL coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 307-310. Abstract
The role that tropical land and ocean clouds play in the GFDL coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM is studied through a series of 10 one-year model runs. In the tropics, a strong bias in the GFDL coupled GCM is evident in the western Pacific where excessive convection erodes the SST warm pool, reducing the SST pacific gradient, and effectively weakening the trade winds. This bias is exacerbated by the poor simulation of eastern equatorial Pacific marine stratus clouds which are essential to a proper seasonal cycle (annual as opposed to biannual) of the trade winds and the SST's. As a means to better understand the importance of ocean-only versus ocean and land tropical cloud prediction, low-level ISCCP clouds are used to study the effects on the GFDL atmosphere-only and coupled model simulation. The prescription of tropical low-level ocean and land clouds into the GCM resulted in a better simulation of the Walker circulation in both coupled and uncoupled modes. This climatological improvement to the Walker circulation corresponded with an improvement in the ability of the coupled GCM to simulate ENSO (El Niño/Southern Oscillation). The more reasonably represented land surface heating in the tropics led to more well-defined and positioned regions of convergence and divergence both at the surface and aloft. The GCM appears to be quite sensitive to the pronounced horizontal and vertical topographical structure in the Indonesian Archipelago and in tropical South America. This is most notable in the sensitivity of the model to small cloud fraction changes over these regions. This emphasizes the importance of reasonably representing the land surface heating in these regions. Whereas this sensitivity is evident in both the coupled and uncoupled simulations not only in terms of the model's climate but also in term of the model's ability to simulate ENSO, it underscores the importance of producing reasonable heating profiles over the land regions in the tropics.
Harrison, Matthew J., and Anthony Rosati, 1999: Coupled model simulation and prediction of the tropical Pacific - impact of ocean model physics In COARE-98 - Proceedings of a Conference on the TOGA Coupled Ocean-atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE), WMO/TD-No. 940, WCRP-107, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 381-382.
Harrison, Matthew J., and Anthony Rosati, 1999: Simulating the tropical Pacific ocean using prescribed forcing In COARE-98 - Proceedings of a Conference on the TOGA Coupled Ocean-atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE),, WMO/TD-No. 940, WCRP-107, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 377-378.
Gordon, C T., Anthony Rosati, and Richard G Gudgel, 1998: Tropical sensitivity to specified ISCCP low clouds in a coupled model In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 232-235.
Latif, M, D Anderson, T P Barnett, Mark Cane, R Kleeman, Ants Leetmaa, J O'Brien, Anthony Rosati, and E K Schneider, 1998: A review of the predictability and prediction of ENSO. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(C7), 14,375-14,393. Abstract PDF
A hierarchy of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) prediction schemes has been developed during the Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere (TOGA) program which includes statistical schemes and physical models. The statistical models are, in general, based on linear statistical techniques and can be classified into models which use atmospheric (sea level pressure or surface wind) or oceanic (sea surface temperature or a measure of upper ocean heat content) quantities or a combination of oceanic and atmospheric quantities as predictors. The physical models consist of coupled ocean-atmosphere models of varying degrees of complexity, ranging from simplified coupled models of the "shallow water" type to coupled general circulation models. All models, statistical and physical, perform considerably better than the persistence forecast in predicting typical indices of ENSO on lead times of 6 to 12 months. The TOGA program can be regarded as a success from this perspective. However, despite the demonstrated predictability, little is known about ENSO predictability limits and the predictability of phenomena outside the tropical Pacific. Furthermore, the predictability of anomalous features known to be associated with ENSO (e.g., Indian monsoon and Sahel rainfall, southern African drought, and off-equatorial sea surface temperature) needs to be addressed in more detail. As well, the relative importance of different physical mechanisms (in the ocean or atmosphere) has yet to be established. A seasonal dependence in predictability is seen in many models, but the processes responsible for it are not fully understood, and its meaning is still a matter of scientific discussion. Likewise, a marked decadal variation in skill is observed, and the reasons for this are still under investigation. Finally, the different prediction models yield similar skills, although they are initialized quite differently. The reasons for these differences are also unclear.
Stern, William F., and Anthony Rosati, 1998: Issues of orographic adjustment of SSTs in a spectral/coupled GCM In Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, Report No. 27, WMO/TD-No. 865, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 6.21-6.22.
Anderson, Jeffrey L., Anthony Rosati, and Richard G Gudgel, 1997: Potential predictability in an ensemble of coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model seasonal forecasts In Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Springfield, VA, NTIS, 18-21.
Miyakoda, Kikuro, Jeff J Ploshay, and Anthony Rosati, 1997: Preliminary study on SST forecast skill associated with the 1982/83 El Niño process, using coupled model data assimilation. Atmosphere-Ocean, 35(1), 469-486. Abstract PDF
A previous study by Rosati et al. (1997) has concluded that the specification of an adequate thermocline structure along the equatorial Pacific ocean is most crucial for El Niño forecasts. In that paper, the oceanic initial condition was generated by a data assimilation (DA) system (Derber and Rosati, 1989). However, the initial condition for the atmospheric part was taken from the National Meteorological Center's (NMC) operational analysis, which was simply attached to the oceanic part for the coupled model forecasts.
In the present paper, both the atmospheric and oceanic initial conditions are generated by a coupled DA system applied to a coupled air-sea general circulation model (GCM). The assimilation for the ocean is performed by the same system as mentioned above, in which the SST (sea surface temperature) and the subsurface temperatures are injected into a 15 vertical level oceanic GCM. The upper boundary condition, such as surface wind stress, is specified by the atmospheric DA. The assimilation for the atmosphere is performed by the continuous injection method of Stern and Ploshay (1992), using an 18 vertical level atmospheric GCM. The lower boundary condition, such as SST, is specified by the oceanic DA. The coupled model assimilations are carried out by switching the DA processes alternately every 6 hours between the ocean and the atmosphere.
The emphases of this study are: firstly, the effect of coupled air-sea model DA on the performance of subsequent forecsts; secondly, the impact of the coupled assimilation on improvement of the "spin-up" behavior of forecasts, i.e., to see whether a smooth start to the forecast is achieved by the coupled model DA process; and thirdly, investigation of the effect that the "spring barrier" has on predictability in the coupled GCM system. Preliminary results indicate that, in order to answer these questions, ensemble forecasts are necessary. Besides, the coupled assimilation could be important in improving the overall behavior of El Niño and La Niña forecasts.
Rosati, Anthony, and Matthew J Harrison, 1997: Ocean modelling and data assimilation at GFDL In CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation - Research Activities in Atmospheric & Oceanic Modelling, WMO/ICSU/IOC World Climate Research Programme, Report No. 25, WMO/TD-No. 792, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 8.59-8.60.
A coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM (general circulation model) has been developed for climate predictions on seasonal to interannual timescales. The atmosphere model is a global spectral GCM T30L18 and the ocean model is global on a 1 degree grid. Initial conditions for the atmosphere were obtained from National Meteorological Center (now known as the National Centers for Environmental Prediction) analyses, while those for the ocean came from three ocean data assimilation (DA) systems. One system is a four-dimensional DA scheme that uses conventional SST observations and vertical temperature profiles inserted into the ocean model and is forced from winds from an operational analysis. The other two initialization schemes are based on the coupled model, both nudging the surface temperature toward observed SSTs and one nudging surface winds from an operational analysis. all three systems were run from 1979 to 1988, saving the state of the ocean every month, thus initial conditions may be obtained for any month during this period. The ocean heat content from the three systems was examined, and it was found that a strong lag correlation between Niño-3 SST anomalies and equatorial thermocline displacements exists. This suggests that, based on subsurface temperature field only, eastern tropical Pacific SST changes are possibly predictable at lead times of a year or more. It is this "memory" that is the physical basis for ENSO predictions.
Using the coupled GCM, 13-month forecasts were made for seven January and seven July cases, focusing on ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) prediction. The forecasts, whose ocean initial conditions contained subsurface thermal data, were successful in predicting the two El Niño and two La Niña events during the decade, whereas the forecasts that utilized ocean initial conditions from the coupled model that were nudged toward surface wind fields and SST only, failed to predict the events. Despite the coupled model's poor simulation of the annual cycle in the tropical Pacific, the ENSO forecasts from the full DA were remarkably good.
Gordon, C T., Anthony Rosati, and Richard G Gudgel, 1996: The impact of specified ISCCP low clouds in coupled model integrations In 11th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 8-10.
Gordon, C T., Anthony Rosati, and Richard G Gudgel, 1996: The impact of specified ISCCP low clouds in coupled model integrations In Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling, CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, Report No. 23 WMO/TD No. 734, World Meteorological Organization, 9.12-9.13.
Harrison, Matthew J., Anthony Rosati, Richard G Gudgel, and Jeffrey L Anderson, 1996: Initialization of coupled model forecasts using an improved ocean data assimilation system In 11th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 7.
Rosati, Anthony, Richard G Gudgel, and Kikuro Miyakoda, 1996: Global ocean data assimilation system In Modern Approaches to Data Assimilation in Ocean Modeling, The Netherlands, Elsevier Science Publishers, 181-203. Abstract
A global oceanic four-dimensional data assimilation system has been developed for use in initializing coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models and also to study interannual variability. The data inserted into a high resolution global ocean model consists only of conventional sea surface temperature observations and vertical temperature profiles. The data are inserted continuously into the model by updating the model's temperature solution every timestep. This update is created using a statistical interpolation routine applied to all data in a 30-day window for three consecutive timesteps and then the correction is held constant for nine timesteps. Not updating every timestep allows for a more computational efficient system without affecting the quality of the analysis.
The data assimilation system was run over a ten year period from 1979-1988. The resulting analysis product was compared with independent analysis including model derived fields like velocity. The large scale features seem consistent with other products based on observations. Using the mean of the ten-year period as a climatology, the data assimilation system was compared with the Levitus climatological atlas. Looking at the sea surface temperature and the seasonal cycle, as represented by the mixed layer depth, the agreement is quite good, however, some systematic differences do emerge.
Special attention is given to the tropical Pacific examining the El Niño signature. Two other assimilation schemes based on using Newtonian nudging of SST, are compared to the full data assimilation system. The heat content variability in the data assimilation seemed faithful to the observations. Overall, the results are encouraging, demonstrating that the data assimilation system seems to be able to capture many of the large scale general circulation features that are observed, both in a climatological sense and in the temporal variability.
Sirutis, Joseph J., and Anthony Rosati, 1996: The impact of cumulus convection parameterization in coupled air-sea models In 11th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 348-350.
Miyakoda, Kikuro, Joseph J Sirutis, Anthony Rosati, C Tony Gordon, Richard G Gudgel, William F Stern, Jeffrey L Anderson, and A Navarra, 1995: Atmospheric parameterizations in coupled air-sea models used for forecasts of ENSO In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Programme, WCRP-91, WMO/TD No. 717, Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 802-806. Abstract
In order to investigate the feasibility of seasonal forecasts, a prediction system is developed. Here the main theme is the study of atmospheric physics parameterization for coupled air-sea modeling. The oceanic GCM uses 1 degree global grid with a finer resolution in the equatorial belt. The atmospheric GCM has the spectral T30 representation, which includes all of the usual physics parameterizations. Using a first version of the model (Coupled Model I) and a set of appropriate initial conditions, the capability of El Niño and La Niña forecasting with a 13 month lead time was tested, resulting in successful forecasts of the 1982/83 and 1988/89 events (Rosati et al., 1995b). However, longer runs of this system have revealed a sizable systematic error in simulations with a tendency to cool most of the world ocean, particularly the western tropical Pacific, and also without an adequate annual cycle of the SST in the eastern tropical Pacific.
In order to improve some of these features, particularly the ENSO phenomena, various versions of the atmospheric parameterizations and mountain representation are incorporated into the atmospheric GCM, and the model simulations are examined. The experiments are divided into two steps: one is with the uncoupled atmospheric model, and the other is with the coupled model. In the first step, five year simulations are carried out with the observed SST prescribed, and the results are compared with observations, which enables one to make the critical validation of the model. The second step is to couple the atmospheric and oceanic models, and integrate them from a January 1982 initial condition for 7 years, and also for another initial condition, i.e., January, 1988 for 13 months.
Compared with the boundary forced simulation, the coupling process introduces more degree of freedom, with increase of the sensitivity as well as the complexity considerably. In particular, the El Niño simulation is sensitive to any change of physics. For this reason, the objective of the simulation is focused only on the equatorial Pacific process and secondly the Indian monsoon, as opposed to the overall improvement of the general circulation. In other words, the approach is close to that of mechanistic modeling with specific targets rather than that of a GCM with broader objectives. The research is proceeding in two directions. One is: investigating the model's sensitivity for El Niño and La Niña processes to variation in a coupling parameter. The second is: after a number of trial-and-error experiments on various combinations of the parameterizations, the second atmospheric model, i.e., Model II, is selected. It is shown that Coupled Model II performs substantially better in some aspects but worse in other aspects than Coupled Model I. The improvement is found in the SST: warming occurs not only over the equatorial Pacific but also over the whole globe. The SST increase is achieved by the strong effect of the cumulus convection. On the other hand, some deficiencies remain the same in both models, i.e., the large positive errors of the SST in the eastern oceans, the lack of an annual cycle of the SST in the eastern equatorial Pacific, and the failure in forecast of the second El Niño. In summary, the prediction of the Southern Oscillation has been achieved by the two models for a full first cycle but not for the second cycle .
Pinardi, N, Anthony Rosati, and Ronald C Pacanowski, 1995: The sea surface pressure formulation of rigid lid models. Implications for altimetric data assimilation studies. Journal of Marine Systems, 6, 109-119. Abstract PDF
The sea surface pressure formulation of the rigid lid primitive equation oceanic problem is reviewed and clarified. The geostrophic limit for the sea surface pressure equation is then considered and a new diagnostic relationship is found that relates the surface pressure to the barotropic and baroclinic components of the subsurface flow field. We demonstrate that a direct insertion in the model equations of sea surface information, such as that provided by satellite altimetry, does not produce changes in the subsurface dynamics due to the divergenceless nature of the barotropic flow field.
The geostrophic limit of the sea surface pressure field computed from a standard general circulation model of the world ocean is presented and the barotropic/baroclinic components of the asolute dynamic topography of the global general circulation are discussed.
A global oceanic four-dimensional data assimilation system has been developed for use in initializing coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models and also to study interannual variability. The data inserted into a high-resolution global ocean model consist of conventional sea surface temperature observations and vertical temperature profiles. The data are inserted continuously into the model by updating the model's temperature solution every time step. This update is created using a statistical interpolation routine applied to all data in a 30-day window for three consecutive time steps and then the correction is held constant for nine time steps. Not updating every time step allows for a more computationally efficient system without affecting the quality of the analysis.
The data assimilation system was run over a 10-yr period from 1979 to 1988. The resulting analysis product was compared with independent analysis including model-derived fields like velocity. The large-scale features seem consistent with other products based on observations. Using the mean of the 10-yr period as a climatology, the data assimilation system was compared with the Levitus climatological atlas. Looking at the sea surface temperature and the seasonal cycle, as represented by the mixed-layer depth, the agreement is quite good, however, some systematic differences do emerge.
Special attention is given to the tropical Pacific examining the El Niño signature. Two other assimilation schemes based on the coupled model using Newtonian nudging of SST and then SST and surface winds are compared to the full data assimilation system. The heat content variability in the data assimilation seemed faithful to the observations. Overall, the results are encouraging, demonstrating that the data assimilation system seems to be able to capture many of the large-scale general circulation features that are observed, both in a climatological sense and in the temporal variability.
Miyakoda, Kikuro, Anthony Rosati, and Richard G Gudgel, 1994: Air-sea coupling experiments: ENSO forecasting. Part I In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U. S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 153-156.
Rosati, Anthony, Kikuro Miyakoda, and Richard G Gudgel, 1994: Air-sea coupling experiments: ENSO forecasting. Part II In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, U. S. Dept. of Commerce/NOAA/NWS, 358-361.
Kantha, L H., and Anthony Rosati, 1990: The effect of curvature on turbulence in stratified fluids. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C11), 20,313-20,330. Abstract PDF
The influence of streamline curvature on small-scale turbulence and vertical mixing in stratified fluids is the subject of this study. The roles of curvature and stratification in enhancing and suppressing turbulent mixing are explored using second-moment closure for turbulence. Governing equations for second moments are expressed in generalized orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, from which, through a series of approximations, simplified expressions are derived for second moments in the limit of small streamline curvature. The governing equations are then used to obtain a quasi- equilibrium turbulence model suited for application to atmospheric and oceanic mixed layers. A typical model application is illustrated by simulation of stratified flows over two-dimentional, idealized mountains and valleys. The limit of local equilibrium is further invoked to derive semi- analytical results for the enhancement and suppression of vertical turbulent mixing under the combined influence of stratification and curvature. It is shown that stabilizing curvature can drastically suppress turbulence even when the stratification is strongly destabilizing. Conversely, under strong stable ratification that would otherwise lead to total suppression of turbulence, destabilizing curvature can keep turbulence alive. Streamline curvature is also shown to significantly modify the Monin-Obukhov similarity laws for momentum and heat fluxes in the constant flux region of the atmospheric boundary layer. Finally, the need for observational data on curvature effects on mixing in stratified flows either in the laboratory or in flows over topography in the oceans and the atmosphere is highlighted.
Miyakoda, Kikuro, Joseph J Sirutis, Anthony Rosati, and J Derber, 1990: Experimental forecasts with an air-sea model: Preliminary results In Air-Sea Interaction in Tropical Western Pacific, Beijing, China, China Ocean Press, 417-432. Abstract
An air-sea model has been applied to the seasonal forecasting problem for a single case beginning 1 October 1979. The model consists of an atmospheric model and a global 1° x 1° resolution oceanic model, with a higher latitudinal resolution in the equatorial zone. The initial conditions are obtained by the 4-dimensional data assimilation system for the atmosphere and the ocean. The experiments reveal that strong air-sea interaction is evident, manifested in a close connection between the predicted sea temperature and the sea level pressure anomaly patterns. There is a certain degree of predictive skill up to 5 months for the ocean and beyond 9 months for the atmosphere. However, the systematic bias in the sea temperature prediction is pronounced.
Derber, J, and Anthony Rosati, 1989: A global oceanic data assimilation system. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 19(9), 1333-1347. Abstract PDF
A global oceanic four-dimensional data assimilation system has been developed for use in initializing coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models and many other applications. The data assimilation system uses a high resolution global ocean model to extrapolate the information forward in time. The data inserted into the model currently consists only of conventional sea surface temperature observations and vertical temperature profiles. The data are inserted continuously into the model by updating the model's temperature solution every timestep. This update is created using a statistical interpolation routine applied to all data in a 30-day window centered on the present timestep.
Large scale features in the sea surface temperature analyses are consistent with those from independent analyses. Subsurface fields created from the assimilation are much more realistic than those produced without the insertion of data. Furthermore, information contained in the assimilation field is shown to be retained in the model solution after the assimilation procedure is terminated. The results are encouraging but further improvements can be made.
Galperin, B, Anthony Rosati, L H Kantha, and George L Mellor, 1989: Modeling rotating stratified turbulent flows with application to oceanic mixed layers. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 19(7), 901-916. Abstract PDF
Rotational effects on turbulence structure and mixing are investigated using a second-moment closure model. Both explicit and implicit Coriolis terms are considered. A general Criterion for rotational effects to be small is established in terms of local turbulent Rossby numbers. Characteristic length scales are determined for rotational effects and Monin-Obukhov type similarity theory is developed for rotating stratified flows. A one-dimensional version of the closure model is then applied to simulate oceanic mixed layer evolution. It is shown that the effects of rotation onmixed layer depth tend to be small because of the influence of stable stratification. These findings contradict a hypothesis of Garwood et al. that rotational effects on turbulence are responsible for the disparity in the mixed-layer depths between the eastern and western regions of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The model is also applied to neutrally stratified flows to demonstrate that rotation can either stabilize or destabilize the flow.
Kantha, L H., Anthony Rosati, and B Galperin, 1989: Effect of rotation on vertical mixing and associated turbulence in stratified fluids. Journal of Geophysical Research, 94(C4), 4843-4854. Abstract PDF
Combined effects of stratification and rotation on vertical mixing and the characteristics of associated small-scale turbulence are explored using second-moment closure methodology; the rotational terms in the equations for Reynolds stresses and turbulent heat fluxes are retained, not ignored as in earlier works. Semianalytical results valid for arbitrary values of rotation and stratification are derived by further invoking the local equilibrium limit of closure. Two cases are considered: nonzero vertical rotation and nonzero meridional rotation; the latter case is of more general interest in geophysics because of its potential application to equatorial mixed layers. In both cases the influence of rotation on mixing coefficients and Monin-Obukhov constant flux layer similarity relations is investigated for arbitrary values of rotation and stratification. In both cases, turbulent mixing coefficients assume tensorial properties. However, meridional rotation appears to have a stronger influence on vertical mixing and turbulence characteristics than does vertical rotation. These results, along with perturbation expansions for weak rotation, suggest that for geophysical flows, in most cases, the direct effect of rotation on vertical turbulent mixing itself is but a small correction, a few tens of percent at best. It is seldom large, although it might not be negligible in some particular cases. Nevertheless, the study of rotational effects on small-scale turbulence provides a fascinating insight into the direct impact of rotation on the characteristics of small-scale turbulence and mixing in stratified fluids; the results are also of interest in other fields such as engineering.
Galperin, B, L H Kantha, S Hassid, and Anthony Rosati, 1988: A quasi-equilibrium turbulent energy model for geophysical flows. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 45(1), 55-62. Abstract PDF
The Mellor-Yamada hierarchy of turbulent closure models is reexamined to show that the elimination of a slight inconsistency in their analysis leads to a quasi-equilibrium model that is somewhat simpler than their level 2 1/2 model. Also the need to impose realizability conditions restricting the dependence of exchange coefficients on shearing rates is eliminated. The model is therefore more robust while the principal advantage of the level 2 1/2 model, namely the solution of a prognostic equation for turbulent kinetic energy is retained. Its performance is shown to be not much different than that of level 2 1/2.
A general circulation model (GCM) of the ocean that emphasizes the simulation of the upper ocean has been developed. This emphasis is in keeping with its future intent, that of an air-sea coupled model. The basic model is the primitive equation model of Bryan and Cox with the additions, of optional usage, of the Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme and horizontal nonlinear viscosity. These modifications are intended to improve the upper ocean simulations, particularly sea surface temperature and heat content. The horizontal grid spacing is 1° latitude x 1° longitude and is global in domain. The equatorial region between 10°N and 10°S is further refined in the north-south direction to 1/3° resolution. There are 12 vertical levels, with six levels in the top 70 m. The model incorporates varying bottom topography.
Prior to coupling the ocean model to an atmospheric GCM, experiments have been carried out to determine the ocean GCM's performance using atmospheric forcing from observed data. The data source was the National Meteorological Center twice daily 1000 mb analysis for winds, temperature, and relative humidity for 1982 and 1983. From these data, wind stress and total heat flux were calculated from bulk formulas and used as surface boundary conditions for the ocean model.
The response of the ocean GCM to mixing parameterization schemes and frequency of atmospheric forcing have been examined. In particular, the use of constant eddy coefficients for both horizontal and vertical mixing (A-model) versus nonlinear horizontal viscosity and turbulence closure schemes (E-model) have been examined, along with comparisons of monthly mean versus 12-hourly forcing. It was found that, in general, the E-physics produces a more realistic mixed-layer structure as compared to A-physics. Using the monthly mean values produces sea surface temperatures that are too warm, presumably because the evaporative flux, which is proportional to the wind speed, is underestimated. The 12-h forcing improves appreciably both the A and E model since the heat flux is better represented; the E-case shows an even greater improvement due to its sensitivity to wind stirring. The near surface heat budget, along with more traditional variables, is examined for a short period during the 1982-83 El Niño event. These results are encouraging considering the many possible sources of error, including those in forcing data, initial conditions, radiative fluxes, and bulk exchange coefficients.
Miyakoda, Kikuro, and Anthony Rosati, 1984: Variation of sea surface temperature in 1976 and 1977, Pt. 2: Simulation with mixed layer models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(C4), 6533-6542. Abstract PDF
In connection with a study of the extreme weather events over the North American continent in January 1977, analyses were performed to investigate characteristic properties of spatial and temporal variations of sea surface temperature for the years 1976 and 1977 by using the world distribution of sea surface temperature described in the accompanying paper, Pt. 1. The time evolutions of ocean temperature patterns for these years are displayed by latitudinal distribution diagrams of sea surface temperature and by longitude-time (Hovmoller) diagrams. Gill-Turner's integral model and Mellor-Durbin's turbulence closure model of the mixed layer were applied to calculate the sea surface temperature anomaly in the Northern Hemisphere by using realistic atmospheric forcing. An increase of time variability of the external forcing leads to an appreciably improved simulation of the sea surface temperature anomaly fields. Both models gave reasonable predictions for <> 5 months in wintertime if the realistic external forcings were specified.
Miyakoda, Kikuro, and Anthony Rosati, 1982: The variation of sea surface temperature in 1976 and 1977, 1: The data analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research, 87(C8), 5667-5680. Abstract PDF
To study the spatial distribution of the sea surface temperature (SST) for the years of 1976 and 1977, ship and satellite data at 1 degree quadrangles were collected. Two points were investigated: (1) the difference of monthly mean SST data between the two sources, and (2) map analyses over the globe. The study shows that without satellite data, an adequate coverage of world ocean is not possible and that there is a large difference in values between the ship and satellite data. The standard deviation of the difference between the satellite and merchant ship SST data for monthly and 1 degree quadrangle mean was plus or minus 1.49 degrees C, where the sampling errors were not subtracted. Using these data, analyses were created and compared with independent analyses. The comparisons included large-scale analyses and two small-scale analyses. Attention was focussed specially on (1) the utility of the satellite SST data and (2) the data quality control. The large-scale analyses agreed well with the independent analyses. However, both of the small-scale analyses did not compare well.
Miyakoda, Kikuro, and Anthony Rosati, 1977: One-way nested grid models: The interface conditions and the numerical accuracy. Monthly Weather Review, 105(9), 1092-1107. Abstract PDF
Tests of several interface conditions in a one-way nested grid model were undertaken, where the ratio of grid size for the coarse mesh in the large domain and the fine mesh in the small domain was 4:1. The interface values for all parameters are specified by the solutions of the larger domain model, although they are modified in some cases. Scheme A includes "a boundary adjustment" and the consideration of mountain effect for the surface pressure along the interface. Scheme B uses, in addition to Scheme A, a "radiation condition" at the outward propagation boundaries. Scheme C uses viscous damping along five rows adjacent to the border lines in addition to Scheme A. The solutions for the fine-mesh models obtained by these schemes are compared quantitatively with the solution of a control model. The results show how quickly the effect at the interface propagates into the interior. The proper treatment of the mountain effect on the surface pressure along the interface, and the boundary adjustment are important for obtaining reasonable solutions. Schemes A, B, and C are all acceptable, though not entirely satisfactory. Scheme B was useful in reducing the false reflection at the interface. Scheme C gave smooth fields of predicted variables, but false reflection sometimes occurred. A combination of these conditions optimally chosen was applied to a 34 km mesh model for a domain covering the whole mainland of the United States. The resulting maps of the time integration show the formation of a front and the detailed structure of intense rainbands associated with the front.